Why would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted?

Why would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted?

Since like charges repel, the water molecules are repelled by the charged rod and the stream of water is deflected away from the rod. The water molecules are polar and they will be attracted to the charged object and the stream will be deflected towards the charged object.

Q. Why is the water attracted to a charged object?

A charged object attract small particles, such as dust. The charge in the object causes a complementary charge to develop in something close to it. The charge on the comb attracts the molecules of water in the stream. Because the molecules in the stream can be moved easily, the stream bends toward the comb.

Q. Why does the cup not pick up the paper until the cup is rubbed in someone’s hair?

The reason is, of course, that when the paper touches the comb, it picks up some negative charges and then the like charges repel. There are polarization charges of both signs, which are attracted and repelled by the comb.

Q. Why are no liquids repelled from a charged wand?

Explain why no liquids are repelled from a charged wand. It’s because liquids have a permanent dipole: the positive side is attracted to a negatively charged rod, and the negative side to a positively charged rod. Methanol (CH3OH) is a polar molecule, and hence, it is attracted to a charged wand.

Q. How would you explain any liquids that were not attracted to the charged wand?

Nonpolar molecules, which are molecules without uneven charge distributions within them, do not have slightly positive and negative parts. Thus, they will not be attracted to a charged wand.

Q. Would HCl be attracted to a charged wand?

The chlorine atom pulls on the bonded pair of electrons harder than the hydrogen atom. This means that the electrons are not shared evenly. Some students may begin to speculate that this would cause a partial charge and that HCl would therefore be attracted to a charged wand.

Q. What will happen to normal flow of water when a charged rod is brought near it?

What will happen to the normal flow of tap water when a charged rod is brought near it ? Ans. If an electrically charged rod is brought near the vertical flow of water from a tap, the flow of water is deflected to a side because of the electrification of water Figure 10 due to induction (Figure 10). )

Q. How do objects become electrostatically charged?

An electrical charge is created when electrons are transferred to or removed from an object. Because electrons have a negative charge, when they are added to an object, it becomes negatively charged. When electrons are removed from an object, it becomes positively charged.

Q. What is required for the water flow to bend away from the charged rod?

Water is made up of polar molecules, each containing a negatively charged oxygen end and a positively charged hydrogen end. When a charged rod of material is brought near a thin stream of water, the water will be attracted to the charged rod and the stream of water will bend towards the rod.

Q. Will propane bend towards a charged rod?

Question #16Based on the data, predict whether propane, propanol, or both will bend toward a charged rod. Support youranswer with evidence.It will bend towards a charged rod due to it being an ionic compound.

Q. What causes stream of water to deflect?

Water is a bent triatomic molecule. Electron density accumulates on the oxygen side of the molecule. The partial positive charge of the water is attracted to the build-up of negative charge on the glass rod, “bending” the stream of water towards the rod.

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Why would a stream of water be attracted to a charged plastic rod but a stream of carbon tetrachloride would not be attracted?.
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