Why were Miguel and Alfonso getting water on the train ride?

Why were Miguel and Alfonso getting water on the train ride?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy were Miguel and Alfonso getting water on the train ride?

Why were Alfonso and Miguel so late boarding the train? They were getting water for the secret package. He talked about trains all the time.

Q. Why is Esperanza so uncomfortable when they arrive at the train?

Why is Esperanza upset when they arrive at the train? I agree about the part that the train is trashy and smells like pee, and it would take all your willpower to get in there, she still at lease be grateful that they have a ride to America. You just studied 7 terms!

Q. How is this train ride different than their last one in Esperanza?

How is this train ride different thank their last one? The last train ride was so crowded they had to stand the whole time. This train ride is empty so they can sit the whole time. During the last train ride, they did not have anything to eat.

Q. Why does Esperanza look up to Alicia?

Perhaps the reason Esperanza says so little about Alicia is that she too recognizes this likeness and extends her own somewhat secretive minimalism to this sensitive, tough-hearted young woman, an older version of herself.

Q. What is Alicia afraid of?

Alicia has to take care of her family, including her father, while trying to go to school. She is afraid of the mice, and the mice are really symbols of her economic level. Mice are low on the food chain and the vermin of society , just as Alicia and her family.

Q. What does Esperanza say the Vargas kids dont?

What does Esperanza say the Vargas kids don’t have? (There Was an Old Woman) She says they don’t have respect for themselves or anyone else.

Q. Why do the police handcuff Louie’s cousin?

By Sandra Cisneros Louie has an older cousin named Marin who lives with the family. She wears a lot of makeup and black nylons. Louie’s cousin crashes into a lamppost, and the police cuff him and haul him off to jail.

Q. What does Esperanza promise never forget?

Esperanza wants a nice suburban house with a garden, like the ones where her father works. She imagines that when she owns one of these houses in the future, she will not forget where she is from.

Q. Who jumps out of a tree and breaks both arms?

Even though the tree eventually turns out to be dangerous, since Meme jumps out of it and breaks both of his arms, Esperanza claims it is the most memorable part of Meme’s backyard.

Q. How did meme break both arms?

Summary: “Meme Ortiz” Esperanza describes the house, a wooden house Cathy’s father built. It has a tree in the backyard that is taller than Esperanza’s house. When the kids had a Tarzan jumping contest, Meme jumped out of the tree and broke both his arms.

Q. What is special about the backyard of Meme’s house?

The house (which Cathy’s father built) is wooden and lopsided. In the back yard is a huge, “fat” tree. The children choose this tree for a “Tarzan Jumping Contest.” Meme wins, but breaks both of his arms in the process.

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Why were Miguel and Alfonso getting water on the train ride?.
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