Why on the job training is commonly used by organizations?

Why on the job training is commonly used by organizations?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy on the job training is commonly used by organizations?

On-the-job training or OJT actually used by the organization in order to “effective employee development”. It imparts the knowledge skills in the employee which are needed for the specific job to perform.

Q. What is the most common form of work based training?


Q. What is OJT and its purpose?

On-the-job training ( OJT ) is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a job in a real, or close to real, working environment. They learn workplace expectations, equipment operation, and any other skill they need to complete their job successfully.

Q. What is the advantage of on job training?

On-the-job training

It can be tailored to the needs of the business, such as using the specific machinery that the business usesIt is unlikely to bring new ideas and skills into the business
Easy to organise and can be completed at short noticeThe employee providing the training may be ineffective

Q. How do you provide good training?

Make Training Memorable

  1. Make learning fun. Why?
  2. Use humor. Humor helps keep enthusiasm at peak levels.
  3. Use attractive packaging. Use materials that are well-packaged and that communicate value.
  4. Encourage participation. Make the session lively by engaging participants in the learning process.
  5. Build self-esteem.

Q. Which is the oldest method of reading?


Q. Is on the job training method?

On-the-Job Training Methods – 6 Most Popular Training Methods: Job Instruction, Coaching, Mentoring, Job Rotation, Apprenticeship, and Committee Assignments

  • Job Instruction Training (JIT)
  • Coaching.
  • Mentoring.
  • Job Rotation.
  • Apprenticeship Training.
  • Committee Assignments.

Q. What is mean by off the job training?

Off-the-job training refers to an education method where employees learn more about their job or the latest advancements in their field at a location away from their workplace. This type of training essentially helps employees perform their job more efficiently.

Q. Where is on the job training imparted?

On-the-job training refers to the training provided at the job location by an experienced supervisor or manager who is passionate about their job and will relay the information to the newly hired, whereas the off-the-job method involves giving training to the employees at a place other than the real job location, where …

Q. What are the disadvantages of on the job training?

Drawbacks Or Disadvantages Of On-the-job Training (OJT)

  • Low Productivity. The trainees are taken at the actual work station for training; hence, they are in the process of learning skills.
  • Errors On Production.
  • Costly.
  • Disturbance.
  • Possibility Of Accidents.

Q. What type of training improves power?

Jumping with weights or throwing weights are two examples of power training exercises. Regular weight training exercises such as the clean and jerk and power clean may also be considered as being power training exercises due to the explosive speed required to complete the lifts.

Q. What type of training improves speed?

Interval training

Q. What is continuous training examples?

Continuous training typically involves aerobic activities such as running, biking, swimming and rowing. These activities use large muscle groups performing repetitive movements over a prolonged period of time.

Q. What are two disadvantages of continuous training?

Disadvantages of continuous training include;

  • It can get very boring and repetitive.
  • Doesn’t help with anaerobic fitness (explosive fitness)
  • It can be hard to keep going when you start to tire.

Q. Who introduced continuous training method?

Dr. V. Aaken

Q. How many times a week should you do continuous training?

Frequency – To see the benefits of continuous training it is often considered necessary to have at least 3 sessions a week where the heart rate levels are at a certain level to gain the benefits of continuous training. As the athlete develops, this amount is increased.

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Why on the job training is commonly used by organizations?.
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