Why is Johnny an outsider?

Why is Johnny an outsider?

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Johnny Cade is a vulnerable sixteen-year-old greaser in a group defined by toughness and a sense of invincibility. He comes from an abusive home, and he takes to the greasers because they are his only reliable family. Passive and quiet, Johnny is the principal catalyst for the major events of the novel.

Q. What does Johnny do that surprises ponyboy and dally at the drive-in?

Hinton uses the color white twice in this chapter to describe fright. Initially, she uses the color to describe Johnny at the drive-in when Two-Bit surprises him by sneaking up behind him and impersonating a Soc.

Q. What does Dally do at the drive-in?

The next night, Ponyboy and Johnny go with Dally to a double feature at the drive-in movie theater. They sit behind a pair of Soc girls, and Dally begins to talk dirty in an attempt to embarrass the girls. The girl with red hair turns around and coolly tells him to stop, but Dally continues to make suggestive remarks.

Q. How did dally make a difference according to ponyboy?

How does Pony describe Dally as being a person who made a difference on pg. 154? Dally had given Pony and Johnny his gun, he had pulled the kids from the burning church, and Dally had risked his life and risked going to jail in order to keep Pony and Johnny safe. He made a difference by caring for his family.

Q. How are Johnny and Dally different?

Dally and Johnny do not battle against each other, but they are opposites. Johnny is meek, fearful, and childlike, while Dally is hard, cynical, and dangerous. As they near the ends of their lives, however, Johnny becomes strong and Dally becomes weak.

Q. What is the conflict between the greasers and SOCS?

The conflict between the greasers and the Socs is that they are rival gangs that are constantly fighting each other. As with most rivalries, there is always an old grievance to nurse. The greasers are the working class kids and the Socs are the wealthy kids.

Q. Why don t the greasers and SOCS get along?

The Greasers and the Socs dislike each other, because they do not understand each other. There is a vast socioeconomic divide that exists between the two groups. The Greasers hate the Socs, because the Greasers believe that the Socs have it easy with all of their money and privilege.

Q. Why is Dally afraid of Johnny going to jail?

Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because he has helped him this much already and he doesn’t want his help to go to waste and he doesn’t want Johnny to go though with jail because Dally knows what it fells like.

Q. Why can’t ponyboy accept Johnny’s death?

Ponyboy can’t accept Johnny’s death because he was too young. Also because he was still in shock. Dally wants to die because Johnny had passed and he lost someone he loved. Also Dally wanted to die because his father didn’t really care about him.

Q. Does ponyboy die?

Bob Sheldon and his goons attacked Ponyboy and Johnny one night, and Bob nearly drowned Ponyboy. The only reason Ponyboy survived the encounter was because Johnny killed Bob to protect his fellow Greaser.

Q. Why did ponyboy pass out after Dally died?

“I don’t want to sit down.” A little later, after Dally is shot dead by the police, Ponyboy faints. He faints because of the extraordinary amount of emotional and physical trauma to which he has been subjected in a brief period of time. His friends are dead, and he carries wounds from the rumble.

Q. Did Dally die a hero?

Dally didn’t die a hero. He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he’d die someday.

Q. What were Dally’s last words?

He died as soon as he was shot in the book.

Q. Who shot dally?

1) How does Dally die? The policemen kill Dally. After Johnny dies in the hospital, Dally is so upset, he runs away from Ponyboy and robs a grocery store. The police chase him to the empty lot where the greasers hang out.

Q. What were Johnny’s last words ponyboy?

2) What do Johnny’s last words mean? Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.

Q. Why did dally wanna die?

In The Outsiders, Dally wants to die because Johnny, the only person he truly loves, has died.

Q. How did dally die?

Dally died by police fire: suicide by cop. When Johnny died, Dally was so sad that he ran out of the hospital and it seems that he went straight out and robbed the store. After he did that, it seem like he purposely got the police to shoot him.

Q. Does ponyboy Stay Gold?

A series of unfortunate events unfold from Johnny’s death, but eventually, Ponyboy is able to tell his tragic story of courage and bravery. Before he dies in the hospital, he tells Ponyboy to “stay gold.” There’s so much more tell about S.E. Hinton’s literary masterpiece that we could dissect in a book of its own.

Q. How did ponyboy lose his innocence?

Ponyboy Curtis Ponyboy is the main character in the story. When Johnny kills Bob, Ponyboy had to go into hiding. Johnny and Ponyboy had to take care of themselves without the help of the older boys in the gang. This required Ponyboy to mature and that’s when he “Lost his innocence.”

Q. What does ponyboy do immediately after Johnny’s death?

After Johnny’s death and Dally’s departure, Ponyboy wanders through the hospital’s halls in a daze. Pony is in denial about Johnny’s death, and keeps repeating that he isn’t dead. He leaves the hospital and roams the streets until a stranger picks him up and drives him home.

Q. Why did dally take Johnny’s death the hardest?

Johnny’s death was hard for Dally to handle because he was the one person Dally cared about. 3. Why do you think Dally would have wanted to die? Dally doesn’t have anyone else in the world that he cares about, and he doesn’t want to be alone.

Q. Why did Johnny not see his mother?

Johnny refuses to see his mother when he is in the hospital because he feels that she does not care about him. Johnny Cade came from a troubled home where he suffered abuse at the hands of his father and was neglected by his mother. Johnny is even more nervous after that, afraid of his own shadow.

Q. Who got Sandy pregnant in the outsiders?

Sandy, Sodapop’s girlfriend, gets pregnant and moves to Florida with her grandmother. Sodapop writes to her, but his letters return unopened.

Q. Why was Darry crying at the hospital?

It isn’t until Pony sees Darry crying that the love for his brother triggers a moment of enlightenment: “In that second what Soda and Dally and Two-Bit had been trying to tell me came through.” Now Pony understands that Darry had been trying too hard in his new role of guardian and protector.

Q. Did Johnny know he was going to die?

Overall, Johnny understands that his condition is fatal. In “The Outsiders” by S. E. Hinton, there are several details that lead the reader to assume that Johnny did know that he was going to die. One example is when Johnny says that he is too young to die. He says that there are too many things he hasn’t done yet.

Q. How did Johnny feel about dying?

Johnny knows that his condition is not good, and he is afraid of dying. He tells them that 16 years is not enough living and that it is just not fair.

Q. What makes ponyboy realize that Darry really does love him?

He realized how much Darry loved him when he saw him crying in the hospital.

Q. Why was Darry strict with ponyboy?

Darry and Sodapop arrive. Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care about him; Darry is strict because he loves Ponyboy and wants him to succeed. Ponyboy runs across the room and embraces his brother, thinking that everything will be fine once he gets home.

Q. What was Bob’s real problem according to Randy?

He tells Ponyboy that Bob’s parents spoiled him rotten and let him get away with everything. According to Randy, Bob’s problem was that his parents never set any boundaries for him or punished him for his misbehavior.

Q. Is ponyboy still gold at the end of the book?

As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks these words to Ponyboy. “Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church. Just as the gold in the poem vanishes, the idyll must end, and the boys must face the consequences of the murder.

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