Why does the process in the side slits happen?

Why does the process in the side slits happen?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy does the process in the side slits happen?

Answer. Answer: Side Slits are the resultant of subduction, a geological process wherein a tectonic plate mobes under another plate. In addition, the subducting plate is one that goes under the other platex which is called overriding plate.

Q. What process happens at the two side slits represent?

Side slits are the resultant of subduction, a geological process wherein a tectonic plate moves under another plate. A side slit is basically the place where the process of subduction occurred. In addition, the subducting plate is the one that goes under the other plate, which is called the overriding plate.

Q. What do side slits represent?

What do the side slits stand for? What does the space under the paper stand for? The side slits stand for where subduction has occurred and the ocean floor has sunk in. Also, the space under the paper stands for the oceanic crust of the Earth.

Q. What geologic feature is formed at the two side slits?


Q. How does the new seafloor form at the ridge?

Mid-ocean ridges occur along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earth’s tectonic plates spread apart. As the plates separate, molten rock rises to the seafloor, producing enormous volcanic eruptions of basalt.

Q. How does the food coloring behave Brainly?

Answer Expert Verified The food coloring behaves like a thread being scattered. This behavior is called a convection current. Heat transfer by convection when cold [denser particles] sink while hot [less dense] particles rise. This transfer can form some motion or movement as observed from the food coloring.

Q. What causes this phenomenon in food coloring?

Molecules in a liquid have enough energy to move around and pass each other. The food coloring you add to the water is pushed around by the water molecules. Since the molecules in warm water move around faster, the food coloring spreads out quicker in the warm water than in the cold water.

Q. What causes this phenomenon in food coloring Brainly?

Answer: 1)In hot water, the food coloring diffuses (spreads out) through the water quickly. In cold water, the food coloring diffuses (spreads out) through the water slowly. The hot water causes the food coloring to diffuse faster.

Q. What are the factors that cause the formation of a current?

Oceanic currents are driven by three main factors:

  • The rise and fall of the tides. Tides create a current in the oceans, which are strongest near the shore, and in bays and estuaries along the coast.
  • Wind. Winds drive currents that are at or near the ocean’s surface.
  • Thermohaline circulation.

Q. What causes the formation of convection current?

Convection currents are the result of differential heating. Lighter (less dense), warm material rises while heavier (more dense) cool material sinks. It is this movement that creates circulation patterns known as convection currents in the atmosphere, in water, and in the mantle of Earth.

Q. What are the factor in the formation of convection current?

Convection currents form because a heated fluid expands, becoming less dense. The less-dense heated fluid rises away from the heat source. As it rises, it pulls cooler fluid down to replace it. This fluid in turn is heated, rises and pulls down more cool fluid.

Q. What happens to the blocks What does this resemble Brainly?

The blocks are pushed up to the middle of the boiling water andthen swayed towards the sides of the beaker. The small, light wood blocks resemble the lithospheric/tectonic plates that moved about slowly along the tectonic boundaries, pushing, sliding past and drifting away from each other because of convection current.

Q. How do the lines of prints or text in the newspaper?

Answer Expert Verified The lines of the prints make sure that the newspaper is ftted well. The words written serve as clues in connecting the pieces of newspaper together. The completed and connected words confrm that the newspaper has been perfectly reassembled.

Q. What did the scouts do in the articles?

Answer: They brought cooked foods and others cooked on site. They assisted the local governments and other organizations in packing and distributing relief goods and setting up crowd control measures for safety and order.

Q. What is the importance of the occurrence of convection current in the interior of the Earth Brainly?

Answer: The importance of convection is that it is able to circulate the fluids of the Earth.

Q. How can ridge push contribute to the movement of the tectonic plates?

Ridge push (also known as gravitational sliding) or sliding plate force is a proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges as the result of the rigid lithosphere sliding down the hot, raised asthenosphere below mid-ocean ridges.

Q. Where does the heat come from that drives this convection current in the mantle?

Convection currents in the magma drive plate tectonics. Heat generated from the radioactive decay of elements deep in the interior of the Earth creates magma (molten rock) in the aesthenosphere. The aesthenosphere (70 ~ 250 km) is part of the mantle, the middle sphere of the Earth that extends to 2900 km.

Q. What is a slab pull theory?

Slab pull is the pulling force exerted by a cold, dense oceanic plate plunging into the mantle due to its own weight. The theory is that because the oceanic plate is denser than the hotter mantle beneath it, this contrast in density causes the plate to sink into the mantle.

Q. What is an example of slab pull?

The slab pull force manifests itself between two extreme forms: The aseismic back-arc extension as in the Izu–Bonin–Mariana Arc. And as the Aleutian and Chile tectonics with strong earthquakes and back-arc thrusting.

Q. What happens during ridge push?

“ridge push” The lithosphere thickens with distance (and time) away from the midocean ridge. The result of this thickenning with distance from the ridge is that the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary slopes away from the ridge. The weight of the lithosphere on this sloping surface produces a downslope force.

Q. What causes ridge push and slab pull?

‘Ridge Push’ and ‘Slab Pull’ are thought to be the major forces driving the motion of oceanic plates. Ridge push is caused by the potential energy gradient from the high topography of the ridges. Slab pull is caused by the negative buoyancy of the subducting plate.

Q. What are the similarities and differences between ridge push and slab pull?

Ridge push is caused by the potential energy gradient from the high topography of the ridges. Slab pull is caused by the negative buoyancy of the subducting plate.

Q. What is responsible for Ridge push?

Seafloor spreading is the natural process responsible for ridge push.

Q. How do ridge push and slab pull work together?

Plate Driving Forces: The forces that drive the motions of tectonic plates at the surface. Slab Pull: The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to. Ridge Push: The pressure exerted by the excess height of the mid-ocean ridge.

Q. What drives the plate to move?

The heat from radioactive processes within the planet’s interior causes the plates to move, sometimes toward and sometimes away from each other. This movement is called plate motion, or tectonic shift.

Q. What are the 3 driving forces of plate tectonics?

4.1: The Forces Driving Plate Motions

  • Viscous Drag.
  • Slab-Pull Force.
  • Ridge-Push Force.

Q. Where does seafloor spreading occur?

Seafloor spreading occurs at divergent plate boundaries. As tectonic plates slowly move away from each other, heat from the mantle’s convection currents makes the crust more plastic and less dense. The less-dense material rises, often forming a mountain or elevated area of the seafloor.

Q. What are the three types of seafloor spreading?

There are three types of plate-plate interactions based upon relative motion: convergent, where plates collide, divergent, where plates separate, and transform motion, where plates simply slide past each other.

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Why does the process in the side slits happen?.
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