Why does the Mariner tell his story?

Why does the Mariner tell his story?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy does the Mariner tell his story?

The Ancient Mariner is compelled to tell his story. Telling his tale is part of his penance for killing the albatross. If you’re asking why he chooses the wedding guest and not someone else, the answer is that the wedding guest had something wrong with him that hearing the tale would fix.

Q. What is Mariners punishment?

The Ancient Mariner is punished by the natural world and the spiritual world. The punishment is in the form of the Mariner′s deprivation of natural elements, depravation of food and water: “Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.”

Q. What happens at the end of the Ancient Mariner?

Life-in-Death won the Ancient Mariner’s soul, and the other sailors were left to Death. The sky went black immediately as the ghost ship sped away. Suddenly all of the sailors cursed the Ancient Mariner with their eyes and dropped dead on the deck..

Q. Why does the sailor Mariner stop one of the men?

6 Why does the Ancient Mariner stop the Wedding Guest and not one of his companions? He chooses his audience at random. The Wedding Guest is the most distracted and therefore the easiest to reel in. His instinct tells him whom to stop.

Q. What was around the Mariner neck to punish him?


Q. Why is the Mariner still alive at the end of the voyage?

The Mariner gets to survive the voyage when all the sailors die so that he could suffer and later atone for his crime and tell other people about the unforgiveable deed he has done. Death (actually representing death) and Life-in-Death (representing suffering in life) are playing dice.

Q. What weapon did the Mariner kill albatross with?


Q. How does the Mariner hold his audience?

Here, we see that although the mariner has let go of the wedding guest’s hand, the mariner is still “holding” onto the guest by the power of his sparkling eyes. So the guest stands there and, like a little kid, listens obediently to the story.

Q. What lesson does the Mariner learn?

From his experiences, the Mariner in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” learns the lesson of loving and respecting God and all of his creations.

Q. Why does the Mariner bless the water snakes?

He realizes that these hideous snakes are kind of beautiful. Without knowing it, he blesses the wriggly little creatures in his heart. This blessing for fellow creatures is all it takes to remove the horrible curse that the Mariner gained from killing the albatross.

Q. How does the Mariner get home again?

How does the ancient Mariner get home in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? A supernatural force propels the ship home to its harbor.

Q. What breaks the spell on the Mariner?

What happens when the Mariner begins to pray? The Albatross fell off his neck and falls into the sea. The spell beings to break. The Mariner hears a roaring wind and sees strange sights.

Q. Why does the Ancient Mariner kill the albatross?

The Mariner kills the albatross because he associated the lack of wind with it. At first all the men thought the bird was good luck since a good wind blew and they moved swiftly. Then, the wind died and they blamed the bird. THe sailors cheered when the Mariner killed the bird which is symbolic of animal abuse.

Q. What does the Mariner say to the wedding guest?

However, the mariner then tells the wedding guest that this agony occasionally returns, “at an uncertain hour,” when he encounters another man who needs to hear the story. He says that each time he instinctively “know(s) the man that must hear” him.” This time, it is the wedding guest.

Q. What’s the first thing the Ancient Mariner says to the wedding guest?

What’s the first thing the ancient Mariner says to the Wedding Guest? “Listen, Stranger!”

Q. What happens to the Mariner whenever he tells his tale?

What happens to the Mariner whenever he tells his tale? a. His soul is thrown into agony. His anguished soul at last finds relief.

Q. What do we find out about the Mariner in part 7?

Part 7: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Analysis. In this seventh and last part of the poem, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, the mariner says that the good hermit lived in the wood that stands on the slope of the Hill and slants down to the sea. He used to sing him hymns, in his sweet voice very loudly.

Q. What are the consequences of the Mariner being won by life-in-death?

Answer Expert Verified. After the mariner is forced to wear the albatross around his neck as the punishment for killing it (albatross can be seen as a metaphor for the human soul, Christian spirit) they pass a ship on which Death and Life-in-Death are playing dice for the sailors lives.

Q. What is penance has the Mariner done his yet?

The Mariner’s penance is to retell his tale as a way to absolve his own sins and to teach others not to make the same mistakes.

Q. What does the Mariner do to ask for forgiveness for killing the albatross?

Hover for more information. The Mariner is cursed, evidently by God, for killing the albatross for pure sport or amusement. When he finally manages to return to his home port aboard a ship manned by a ghostly crew, he meets a holy man he calls the Hermit who gives him forgiveness for his sin of killing the bird.

Q. What hellish thing does the Mariner do?

In the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the ancient mariner does the hellish thing of shooting the albatross with his cross-bow and killing it without any rhyme or reason. The sailors believed that the albatross was a messenger from God and its death would bring hardships upon them.

Q. What is penance?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an act of self-abasement, mortification (see mortification sense 3), or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin He did charitable work as a penance.

Q. What are examples of penance?

Penance is self-punishment done to try to right a wrong, or the receipt of absolution from sins from a priest by fulfilling some requirement. An example of penance is when you publicly try to make up for your misdeeds. An example of penance is when you confess to a priest and are forgiven.

Q. How do you use penance?

Penance sentence example

  1. Jonny’s penance for betraying his sister would last an eternity.
  2. My penance must be served down here, where there is no light.
  3. Penance might consist in fasting; it might consist in flagellation; it might consist in pilgrimage.

Q. What is another word for penance?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for penance, like: retribution, Beichte (German), mortification, punishment, repentance, confession, sackcloth and ashes, inward penance, outward penance, penitence and purgation.

Q. What are the positive effects of confession?

When confession is followed by positive acceptance, help, support and love from others or yourself, then confession develops a great rush of self-esteem, satisfaction, and a sense of personal power. We all need to feel known, loved, accepted, and appreciated.

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Why does the Mariner tell his story?.
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