Why does El Agua become las Aguas?

Why does El Agua become las Aguas?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy does El Agua become las Aguas?

Agua is still feminine, but it carries el because the masculine article ends in L instead of a, so that way the division between the words remains. When it is plural the feminine ends in consonant, so it takes the feminine las aguas.

Q. Is LA feminine or masculine?

Definite articles – how to say ‘the’ using le, la, l’ or les


Q. Why does Agua use El?

Agua is indeed feminine, but it uses a masculine article. Reason behind this is that it is hard for the Spanish tongue to pronounce the noun with the article “la” if the noun starts with “a,” hence the article “el” is used instead.

Q. Why is water masculine in Spanish?

Water is not a masculine word in Spanish, it is a feminine word, in singular and in plural, only that the word use el in singular because of its sound. There are other examples : The article “la” in Spanish changes to “el” before a spoken accented “a”.

Q. Is it muchO agua or muchA agua?

Because “agua” is feminine. Looking at the dictionary it says “the water =EL agua that is why I sugested ” muchO agua” . In this case it was wrong because agua seems to be feminine, so “muchA” should be the right answer.

Q. What does en means in Spanish?

Usage. “En” can be used to mean “in”, “on”, or “at” in Spanish, and it is used to indicate location and time. It is also used to indicate how people get to other places.

Q. What does Papi mean in slang?

little daddy

Q. Why is Spain not called Espana?

Spain is call España, which comes from the latin word Hispania. The Romans decide to call this country Hispania (wich means land of rabbits) because there was many rabbits. The word change over the years to España (Spain in english).

Q. What is the letter Y called in Spanish?

Pronouncing the Spanish Alphabet

LetterLetter Name(s)
wdoble ve
yi griega

Q. Is LL pronounced J or Y?

Pronunciation 1: LL Sounds Like The English Letter ‘Y’ Just as you learned in your beginner course or textbook, ll most often sounds like the English letter ‘y’ as in the words “yellow” and “yes”. This is the way ll is pronounced in Spain, parts of Mexico, and most of Central and South America.

Q. What is the word for i in Spanish?

0. votes. I, in Spanish, is simply “yo”. If you want to say something like I talk=yo hablo.

Q. What does iguana mean in Spanish?

An iguana is a big lizard with distinctive spines running down its back. The word iguana is Spanish, and it comes from a West Indies language, Arawak, and its word for this particular kind of lizard, iwana.

Q. What is ILO in Spanish?

noun abbreviation. (= International Labour Organization) OIT f.

Q. What does Manon mean in Spanish?

It is of French, Hebrew and Latin origin, and the meaning of Manon is “woman from Magdala; star of the sea”. Nickname of Madeline and Marie. Learn Spanish with Fluencia. ; According to a user from United Kingdom, the name Manon is …

Q. What does the name Mannon mean?

Origin: French. Meaning: Of The Sea Or Bitter. ♥ Add to my Namelist. The name Mannon means Of The Sea Or Bitter and is of French origin.

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Why does El Agua become las Aguas?.
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