Why did they throw stones at Tessie?

Why did they throw stones at Tessie?

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For the final drawing, one slip is placed in the box for each member of the household: Bill, Tessie, and their three children Each of the five draws a slip, and Tessie gets the marked one The townspeople pick up the gathered stones and begin throwing them at her as she screams about the injustice of the lottery

Q. Who is late to the lottery?

When Tessie Hutchinson arrives late to the lottery, admitting that she forgot what day it was, she immediately stands out from the other villagers as someone different and perhaps even threatening

Q. Why was Tessie late on the day of the lottery?

Tessie Hutchinson She is excited about the lottery and fully willing to participate every year, but when her family’s name is drawn, she protests that the lottery isn’t fair Tessie arrives at the village square late because she forgot what day it was

Q. What happens to Tessie Hutchinson at the end of the lottery?

The woman selected by the lottery to be sacrificed, she is stoned to death by the villagers at the very end of the story Tessie arrives late at the lottery, saying she forgot the day

Q. Who is the most important character in the lottery?

Tessie Hutchinson

Q. Who got the slip with a black spot?

Bill Hutchinson

Q. Why was Tessie singled out as the winner?

Tessie Hutchinson is singled out as the “winner” because she protested against the tradition of the lottery by saying “it isn’t fair” As she protested, everyone even her own husband and three children joined in stoning her to death

Q. Is the lottery written in past or present tense?

“The Lottery” is told in the past tense, from a third-person omniscient point of view This means that the narrator is not a participant in the story’s action and does not use the first-person pronoun “I,” but the narrator does know and can report on the thoughts and feelings of any and all characters

Q. Why was the lottery so controversial?

“The Lottery” was controversial because it critiqued blind conformity to tradition It was written when American nationalism was rising in response to growing fears of communism Many readers were thus upset with Jackson’s negative portrayal of conformity, which they interpreted as a critique of patriotis

Q. What are two 2 different types of conflict in the lottery?

Hover for more information Internal conflict refers to a psychological struggle within the mind of a character Trying to resolve the struggle creates suspense in the story External conflict refers to the struggle between a character and outside forces such as other characters, circumstances or nature

Q. What is the climax in the story the lottery?

In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, the climax is when Tessie is declared the “winner,” the falling action includes the townspeople gathering around her and stoning her, and the resolution is when the town’s life returns to normal

Q. Who is the antagonist in the lottery?

If Tessie is the protagonist of the story, we can identify the rest of the town—everyone who participated in the lottery process and her subsequent stoning—as the antagonist

Q. What happened at the end of the lottery?

By Shirley Jackson Jackson defers the revelation of the lottery’s true purpose until the very end of the story, when “the winner,” Tess Hutchison, is stoned to death by friends and family This shocking event marks a dramatic turning point in how we understand the story

Q. Why is the ending of the lottery so shocking?

Hover for more information A shocking realization comes to the reader at the end of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: the community have not been drawing for any prize or reward in the traditional sense Instead, lottery has the ancient meaning:they have drawn lots

Q. Why does Bill Hutchinson tell his wife to be quiet when she protests his selection?

Bill Hutchinson is the husband of Tess Hutchinson When she protests his selection in the lottery, he tells her to shut up It is unclear why he does so—maybe he believes in the lottery, or perhaps he doesn’t want the family to be shamed in front of the entire village

Q. Why did everyone sign when Little Dave’s paper was blank?

Why did everyone sigh when little Dave’s paper was blank? Everyone sighed because little Dave is only a child and his life was practically spared from being stoned to death The villagers are holding the annual lottery that will choose one person to become a human sacrifice

Q. How does the lottery affect Tessie Hutchinson and her family at the end of the story?

Answer: Near the end of “The Lottery,” Bill draws the slip with the black spot in the first round, which means that someone in his family will be stoned to death This immediately begins to cause tension within the family and between Bill’s wife Tessie and some of people in the assembled crow

Q. What is the main message in the lottery?

The main themes in “The Lottery” are the vulnerability of the individual, the importance of questioning tradition, and the relationship between civilization and violence The vulnerability of the individual: Given the structure of the annual lottery, each individual townsperson is defenseless against the larger grou

Q. Where is the black box kept in the lottery?

The box has no set home during the year but is stored with different people, including Mr Summers, Mr Graves, and Mr Martin on his grocery shel

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Why did they throw stones at Tessie?.
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