Why did Sue ask the doctor to come home?

Why did Sue ask the doctor to come home?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy did Sue ask the doctor to come home?

sue’s friend is Joan she was very weak because of her disease that is why sue asked the doctor to come home.

Q. Who is the doctor in the last leaf?

A busy, older man with “shaggy grey eyebrows” who attends to Johnsy and Behrman. He diagnoses Johnsy with mental as well as physical illness, telling Sue that he cannot help a patient with medicine when she doesn’t want to get better.

Q. Why was the doctor disappointed with his patient in the story last leaf?

Answer: The doctor was worried because there was no improvement in Johnsy’s condition. He felt that Johnsy was not responding to treatment because she had made up her mind not to do so. He felt she had lost her will to live and hence the medicines were not going to be useful to her.

Q. How did her experience change her view about life the last leaf?

Answer: The incident that led johnsy to change her mind is the last leaf not falling from tree in strong storm also. Henry, Johnsy was convinced that when the last leaf from the ivy creeper falls off, she will also lose her life. She had told this to her friend Sue.

Q. What did the doctor say after examining Johnsy?

Answer 3: After examining Johnsy, the doctor said that she has one chance in-let us say, ten. She had made up her mind that she would not get well. She should think about other things than her sickness. She should generate in her will to live.

Q. Why was Johnsy counting backwards?

Joanna was counting the falling leaves because she had lost all hope of living. She believed that with the fall of last leaf, she will also leave this world. That’s why she was counting the leaves in the descending order, making a note of how many days she had left before the last leaf falls.

Q. Why did Sue cry bitterly?

Answer : Sue cried bitterly because she wanted to save her friend’slife as well as she wanted to save Behrman life who died due to pneumonia. Behrman was ready to paint and sacrifice his life for Johnsy.

Q. What did sue see when she heard Johnsy counting backwards?

Ans: When Sue heard Johnsy counting backwards, she looked out of the window and saw an old ivy creeper climbing half way up the brick wall opposite their window. The creeper was shedding leaves due to the strong autumn wind.

Q. Who is Mr Behrman and why does sue see him?

“Old Behrman” is a sixty-year-old curmudgeon who lives on the ground floor of the “squatty three-story brick apartment building” in which two young aspiring artists, Sue and Johnsy, also dwell. Mr. Behrman is a failure as a painter because for forty years he has intended to paint a masterpiece but still has not begun.

Q. Why does Sue see Mr Behrman?

Expert Answers It’s notable that Sue and Mr. Behrman are described as peering “fearfully” out of the window at the withering vine. That they then look at each other without speaking is a further sign of how disturbed they are by the vine’s decaying condition.

Q. Why does Sue call the last leaf?

A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer [i.e., Mr. Pneumonia]. So Sue jokingly calls Johnsy a “white mouse” because pneumonia has made the mite of a little woman deathly white.

Q. Why does Sue call the leaf that Mr Behrman painted his masterpiece?

Johnsy had slept that night with the idea that when the last leaf would fall in the rain, her life would also end. However, when she saw that the leaf had survived the storm her willingness to survive returned and she started recovering from pneumonia. Thus, the last leaf painted on the wall became his masterpiece.

Q. What was Mr Behrman’s masterpiece?

His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. When Behrman died painting this life-saving painting, Sue called it a masterpiece.

Q. Why did Johnsy ask Sue to finish the painting soon?

‘ Why did Johnsy say so to Sue? Ans: Johnsy wanted Sue to finish her painting quickly so that she could see the last leaf fall. She believed that she would die with it but this was taking too long. She became tired of waiting for the last leaf to fall.

Q. What does the last leaf symbolize in the story?

Answer: Last leaf symbolizes the small possibility of life. The story is about a girl who is effected by pneumonia. She will be lying on the bed and looking through the window and she will look at a Dying creeper which is curled up in her window and she would say to Sue that whenever the last leaf will fall I will die.

Q. What is the theme or message of the story the last leaf?

The main theme explored in the short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry is that of selflessness and sacrifice. Other minor themes also resurface from the text, and the most notable ones are the theme of hope and the theme of death.

Q. What is the conflict of the story the last leaf?

The conflict in this story is when Pneumonia attacked and touch Johnsy, it makes her sad, hopeless and pessimistic and decided to rely her own life and death to those falling leaves (last leaf).

Q. Why did Behrman die?

The janitor found him in the morning in his room helpless and in pain. His shoes and clothes were icy cold and wet. Behrman was ill for the next two days, and given his age, he couldn’t recover and died of pneumonia.

Q. What disease did Behrman die?

Mr Behrman died of pneumonia this morning. He was ill for only two days.

Q. How did Brahman die?


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