Why did Mrs Hall want to be friendly with Griffin?

Why did Mrs Hall want to be friendly with Griffin?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy did Mrs Hall want to be friendly with Griffin?

Mrs. Hall wanted to know the true story of the stranger but Griffin cut her down every time. However, in order to satisfy her curiosity, she left no stone unturned to be friendly with Griffin, hoping that he would tell her something. Because he was a scientist and have a drug that could make a man invisible.

Q. What happened when Mrs Hall tried to ask the stranger about the bandages?

Mrs. Hall tried to ask the stranger about the bandages several times. But every time he cut her off by asking other questions. The first time he asked her for a match for his pipe and the second time he told her, “That I think, is all”, clearly indicating his lack of interest in discussing the subject with her.

Q. What happened when Mr and Mrs Hall entered the Strangers Room?

Mr and Mrs. Hall were surprised to see the most extraordinary thing happen when they opened the door to the stranger’s room. The bed-clothes gathered themselves together, leapt up suddenly into a sort of peak and then jumped headlong over the bottom rail. The door slammed violently and was locked from inside.

Q. What did Mrs Hall think had happened to the visitor?

After the attack by the furniture, the Halls were thinking of throwing out the stranger from the inn. Mrs Hall was very upset at what had happened. Moreover, when Mr Hall demanded an explanation, the stranger was very rude and asked to be left alone. Mrs Hall decided that she would not serve him any longer.

Q. Why did the stranger become so angry when Mrs Hall questioned him about money?

Answer: Mrs. Hall and the stranger started arguing about money because he had not paid his bill recently. But he told that he found some more money recently which made Mrs. Hall suspicious about his involvement in the burglary at the vicars.

Q. What is the moral of the story footprints without feet?

The story Footprints without Feet describes the story of a brilliant scientist, Griffin, who degenerated himself into a lawless person. The lesson gives a message that misuse of science and its great discoveries can make even a brilliant scientist like Griffin a monster and a threatening lawless person.

Q. Why did Griffin decided to slip into a big London store?

Answer: Griffin decided to slip into a big London store, because the season was mid-winter, due to which it became difficult to wander around without clothes in London.

Q. Why did Griffin slip into a big London store and what did he do there?

Griffin wanted a place to relax and get warmth in the chilly winter days. He also wanted a place to wear clothes and eat something. So in order not to be hit by winter stroke and people, he slip into a big London Store and stolen some money and food from there . After filling his stomach he slept there .

Q. How did Griffin succeed in becoming invisible What was the result of his experiment?

Answer. Griffin managed to became invisible by performing an experiment to become invisible.. The result of the experiment was that he was free to do whatever he wanted and people around him were furious and crazy to see all this..

Q. What had Griffin wanted to prove Did he succeed?

He succeeded in proving that the human body could become invisible. Those were the footmarks of the invisible scientist Griffin. Q. 32.

Q. What experiment did Griffin carry out what was the final result of these experiment?

Answer. Griffin carried out that the medicine or liqiud he had made could make the human being invisible. The result was that Griffin became invisible.

Q. Who was Griffin and what did he want to prove?

Answer Expert Verified Griffin was obsessed with the idea of becoming invisible because he wanted to end all his troubles with it. He thought after becoming invisible he would have the impunity to do whatever he chose. He could do anything and escape by being invisible. No person could hold him.

Q. Why did Mrs Hall excuse her guest’s strange habits and irritable temper?

Mrs Hall was prepared to excuse her guests strange habits and irritable temper because she was satisfied that her guest was an eccentric scientist. Moreover, Griffin had already paid her in advance.

Q. What did Griffin finally do when people held him responsible for all the strange occurrences?

What did Griffin finally do when people held him responsible for all the strange occurrences? Answer: Griffin became furious when he saw people holding him responsible for all the strange occurrences. He started taking off his bandages, whiskers, spectacles and even false nose.

Q. How did Griffin’s invisibility come for his rescue every time he was in trouble?

Solution. Griffin’s invisibility helped him every time he found himself in trouble. Another instance was when he stole some clothes from the big store in London to cover himself in the cold but after being spotted by people he ran for his life and was forced to undress once again and become invisible.

Q. How did invisibility prove to be both a boon and bane for Griffin?

Invisibility was boon for him during the story. Invisibility became a curse for Griffin when he realised that he would not be able to survive the cold weather or when it will be snowing as in order to become invisible he needed to take out all his clothes.

Q. What made the boys follow Griffin?

Answer: the boys saw the footprints on the ground, but the man was not visible, so the boys followed Griffin by seeing his footprints.

Q. What mischief did Griffin do as a transparent man?

To make himself visible again, Griffin steals some clothes from a dingy backstreet theatre shop, including a trench-coat and hat. He wraps his head in bandages to conceal his invisibility, covering his eyes with large dark goggles.

Q. Who is the real villain in the Invisible Man?


Q. Who does Cecilia live with in the Invisible Man?

Adrian Griffin

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