Why did Alexander destroy Thebes?

Why did Alexander destroy Thebes?

HomeArticles, FAQWhy did Alexander destroy Thebes?

The destruction of Thebes cowed Athens into submission and forestalled any further revolts by other Greek city states. Alexander destroyed it in retaliation for them rebelling against him after his father died.

Q. When did Alexander the Great burn Persepolis?

330 BC

Q. How many cities named Alexandria does Alexander found?

3. He named more than 70 cities after himself—and one after his horse.

Q. Who destroyed Persian Empire?


Q. When did Iran stop being called Persia?

The exonym Persia was the official name of Iran in the Western world before March 1935, but the Iranian people inside their country since the time of Zoroaster (probably circa 1000 BC), or even before, have called their country Arya, Iran, Iranshahr, Iranzamin (Land of Iran), Aryānām (the equivalent of Iran in the …

Q. How did Persia fall?

The Persian Empire began to decline under the reign of Darius’s son, Xerxes. Xerxes depleted the royal treasury with an unsuccessful campaign to invade Greece and continued with irresponsible spending upon returning home. Persia was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 B.C.E.

Q. Is Pakistan Arab or Persian?

It usually includes the Arab countries from Egypt east to the Persian Gulf, plus Israel and Iran. Turkey is sometimes considered part of the Middle East, sometimes part of Europe. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh are usually described as South Asia.

Q. Are Lebanese Arabs?

It promotes the view that Lebanese people are not Arabs and that the Lebanese speak a distinct language and have their own culture, separate from that of the surrounding Middle Eastern countries. Supporters of this theory of Lebanese ethnogenesis maintain that the Lebanese are descended from Phoenicians.

Q. What race is Berber?

Berbers are Caucasian, and came from the middle east/North Iran around 7–9000 years ago. They share the light skin gene with europeans (originated 6–9000 years ago). Berbers were part of a massive migration out of the middle east /North Iran that split up into 3 groups.

Q. Is Morocco Arab or African?

Morocco is a Northern African country, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, between Algeria and the annexed Western Sahara. It is one of only three nations (along with Spain and France) to have both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines.

Q. Who colonized Morocco first?


Q. Who colonized Morocco?

The French Protectorate consisted of a majority, about nine-tenths, of Morocco. France controlled the Moroccan land to the south of the Spanish Protectorate. The capital city of the French Protectorate was Rabat (History of Morocco to the Present Day, Moroccansands.com).

Q. Did Germany invade Morocco?

During World War II, Morocco, which was then occupied by France, was controlled by Vichy France from 1940 to 1942 after the occupation of France by Nazi Germany. However, after the North African Campaign, Morocco was under Allied control and thus was active in Allied operations until the end of the war.

Q. When did Spain lose Morocco?

July 1921

Q. Did Spain ever own Morocco?

The Spanish protectorate in Morocco was established on 27 November 1912 by a treaty between France and Spain that converted the Spanish sphere of influence in Morocco into a formal protectorate….Spanish protectorate in Morocco.

Spanish Protectorate in Morocco Protectorado español en Marruecos الحماية الإسبانية على المغرب

Q. Is part of Morocco Spanish?

The tiny Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla sit on the northern shores of Morocco’s Mediterranean coast. Together they form the European Union’s only land borders with Africa.

Q. Did Spain have any colonies in Africa?

The effective Spanish colonization of Africa was finally established in the first third of the 20th century. North Morocco, Ifni, the Tarfaya region, Western Sahara, and the territories of early-21st-century Equatorial Guinea comprised what broadly could be defined as Spanish colonial Africa.

Q. Who colonized Spain?


Q. Which countries in Africa were colonized by Germany?

The six principal colonies of German Africa, along with native kingdoms and polities, were the legal precedents for the modern states of Burundi, Cameroon, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Togo.

Q. Which country did Spain Colonise in Africa?

Equatorial Guinea

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Why did Alexander destroy Thebes?.
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