Who was the African American who called the war with Mexico disgraceful and cruel?

Who was the African American who called the war with Mexico disgraceful and cruel?

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Chapter 12 8th Grade

Q. What group made huge profits during the Gold Rush?


Term What was the louisiana purchaseDefinition when america ought a large piece of land now called louisiana from france
Term what group made huge profits during the gold rushDefinition merchants
Term from what coast of what country did slaves come into americaDefinition the westcoast of africa

Q. Which of these names the arrangement that allowed people from both Britain and the United States to settle in the Oregon Country?

fur trappers

He was U.S. Congressman who opposed the war with Mexico because he believed Mexico had the right to attack American forces?Abraham Lincoln
An African American leader who called the war with Mexico “disgraceful” and “cruel.”Frederick Douglas

Q. What allowed people from both Britain and the United States control of Oregon?

The Oregon Treaty is a treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States that was signed on June 15, 1846, in Washington, D.C.. The treaty brought an end to the Oregon boundary dispute by settling competing American and British claims to the Oregon Country; the area had been jointly occupied by both Britain and …

Q. Can you walk the Oregon Trail?

That’s right, you too can walk the Oregon Trail. Several long segments of trail exist that can be backpacked or day-hiked, and there are dozens of short hikes around historic attractions and interpretive centers.

Q. What is the best month to leave in the Oregon Trail?

If you leave too late, you’ll have to face winter, although it should not be a problem unless you leave in July. If you’re going to do a lot of hunting, or travel at a slow pace often, leave in May; otherwise, leave in June.

Q. How long will it take to walk the Oregon Trail?

It normally took four to six months to traverse the length of the Oregon Trail with wagons pulled by oxen. About 80,000 pioneers used it to reach Oregon, and about 20,000 to Washington before the transcontinental railroad in 1869.

Q. What were the two main causes of death on the trail?

Nearly one in ten who set off on the Oregon Trail did not survive. The two biggest causes of death were disease and accidents.

Q. What did the people eat on the Oregon Trail?

Pioneers took most of their own food and every day the meals were pretty much the same: usually bread, beans, bacon, ham, and dried fruit over and over again. Occasionally they had fresh fish or buffalo or antelope hunted along the way.

Q. Did pioneers eat bear meat?

Pioneer food was often stodgy, plain, or altogether absent. In summertime or fall, pioneers might feast on bear meat (Laura’s favorite), buffalo, venison, elk, and antelope, unconstrained by the big game laws of the Old World. But in winter, when nothing grew or could be hunted, pioneers were vulnerable.

Q. Did they drink water in the 1800s?

In the late 1800 s, many cities in the United States began to adopt water filtration processes for city drinking water. The early systems involved straining water through sand and gravel to remove sediment. Due to thousands of cases of typhoid fever and diarrhea, the need for water treatment was still an urgent matter.

Q. How did settlers find water?

The fastest-moving settlers staked their claims near rivers, streams, or springs, but these desirable “waterfront” homesteads quickly became unavailable. Most families had to dig wells. When well-digging failed to reach water, families were forced to collect rainwater in barrels, cisterns, and pans.

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Who was the African American who called the war with Mexico disgraceful and cruel?.
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