Who was president when the Alamo fell?

Who was president when the Alamo fell?

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The Mexicans surrounded the Alamo, Travis began writing pleas for help. One of his messages, sent via courier to Gonzales (70 miles away), read: “We have 150 men and are determined to defend the Alamo to the last.

Q. What did General Sam Houston Order Jim Bowie to do when he was set to San Antonio?

The status of the strongholds along the San Antonio River was of concern to Houston. In mid-January, Houston sent James Bowie to San Antonio to determine if the Alamo was defensible. If not, Bowie had orders to destroy it and withdraw the men and artillery to Gonzales and Copano.

Q. Who was the messenger that warned Sam Houston?

Antonio López de Santa Anna

Sam Houston
Vice PresidentEdward Burleson
Preceded byMirabeau B. Lamar
Succeeded byAnson Jones
In office October 22, 1836 – December 10, 1838

Q. Who sent the messenger from the Alamo to warn?

Q. Who sent a message to Sam Houston about the Alamo?

William Barret Travis

Q. Which promise did William Travis make in his letter written from inside the Alamo on February 24?

Answer: Travis did not really make a “promise” – Travis explained in his letter that he would never surrender or retreat. He asks in his letter for help as far as aid in fighting off the Mexican armies who surrounded him there.

Q. Who did Colonel Travis Hope would read his letter?

courier Albert Martin

Q. Where is the Travis letter now?


Q. Who declared himself dictator of Mexico?

The 1824 constitution of Mexico gave the states many freedoms. Santa Anna threw out this constitution and made himself dictator. This sparked many rebellions including the Texas Revolution. Santa Anna personally led the army into Texas to squelch the revolution.

Q. Where does the word Alamo come from?

“Alamo” is the Spanish word for cottonwood. “Alamo” in the town’s name is thought to refer to a landmark cottonwood tree growing on a ranch near Parras. The mission chapel is still called the Alamo; the town of Parras, however, is now called Viesca.

Q. Why did the Alamo happen?

The battle of the Alamo was fought over issues like Federalism, slavery, immigration rights, the cotton industry, and above all, money. General Santa Anna arrived at San Antonio; his Mexican army with some justification regarded the Texans as murderers.

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Who was president when the Alamo fell?.
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