Who said the more stitches the less riches?

Who said the more stitches the less riches?

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“And that,” put in the Director sententiously, “that is the secret of happiness and virtue—liking what you’ve got to do. According to the Director and to the principles of Fordist society, happiness is conditioned acceptance of your circumstances. …

Q. What does the more stitches the less riches mean?

The more new cars that are out there, the more people can work and the more money is being spent. The same idea goes for “The more stitches, the less riches.” If you stitch a shirt that has torn, rather than buying a new one, you’re taking away from the economy.

Q. Which character said ending is better than mending?

Aldous Huxley

Q. What according to the director the DHC is the secret of happiness and virtue?

Q. What is the meaning of Ending is better than mending?

Ending is better than mending.” This line from the hypnopædia tapes emphasizes the importance of consumption to Fordist society. Instead of fixing clothes or things that are broken, it is better to throw them away and buy something new.

Q. How does Bernard Marx feel?

Marked as an outsider, Bernard revels in pent-up anger and disgust at those who reject him. To his social equal, Helmholtz, he alternately brags and whines about his anti-social feelings of rebelliousness, yet when faced with superiors, Bernard is characteristically subservient and cowardly.

Q. Does Bernard Marx like Lenina?

But Bernard’s inferiority complex also makes him defensive, resentful, jealous, cowardly, and boastful. Bernard dates Lenina Crowne at the beginning of the novel, taking her to the Savage Reservation in New Mexico. Bernard enjoys feeling like a rebellious outsider until it costs him something—the Director threatens to …

Q. Does Bernard Love Lenina?

Bernard relationship with Lenina in Brave New World is based on mutual self interest. Bernard is unusually short for an alpha, so his pairing with the very sexually desirable Lenina enhances his status with other alpha men.

Q. Does Lenina sleep with Bernard?

In the elevator with a bunch of Alpha males she’s had sex with, Lenina publicly talks to Bernard about their date plans, much to his embarrassment, which she doesn’t understand. She parts ways with Bernard on the roof to meet Foster for a date.

Q. Is Lenina happy with her life?

Lenina is introduced as a normal and happy citizen of the World State. Chapter 3 contrasts Lenina with Bernard Marx. For the first time in her life, Lenina desires someone she can’t have.

Q. What did Bernard regret doing after his first date with Lenina?

What did Bernard regret doing after his first date with Lenina? Bernard regrets not waiting to have sex until after the 1st date.

Q. How do most of the participants feel after the services how does Bernard feel?

Bernard feels more alone than ever after the service because it makes him more acutely aware of how different he is from other people in his society. It has the opposite of the expected effect on him, and it leaves him “unreplenished,” most likely because he realizes how shallow and superficial it is.

Q. Why does Bernard get frustrated with Lenina?

Summary: Chapter 4 His suggestion that they discuss it privately confuses Lenina. She saunters off to meet Henry. Bernard feels terrible because Lenina behaved like a “healthy and virtuous English girl”—that is, someone unafraid of discussing her sexual life in public.

Q. Why is Bernard disappointed that he slept with Lenina on their first date?

Why is Bernard disappointed that he slept with Lenina on their first date? He wanted to feel passion rather than it being meaningless. How does Lenina respond to his suggestion that it would have been better to have waited? She recites a hypnopædic leading saying people are happy because they do what they want.

Q. Where does the director indicate he will send Bernard If there are more complaints about him?

Where does the director indicate he will send Bernard if there are more complaints about him? – island, to isolate him. He can created stability of the social.

Q. Is Lenina an Alpha?

Lenina is a beta. People in the novel are divided into five castes, based primarily on intelligence. The alphas are the most intelligent caste, and as the Greek letters indicate, each caste descends in intelligence from alpha to beta to gamma to delta.

Q. Why does Linda take Soma?

The World State had the drug soma for you to get rid of pain. Linda returning to the World State from the Reservation meant there was no more pain and suffering to be felt because of the powerful drug called soma.

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Who said the more stitches the less riches?.
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