Who resigned Bombay Assembly membership and started fast unto death demanding the unification of Kannada speaking regions?

Who resigned Bombay Assembly membership and started fast unto death demanding the unification of Kannada speaking regions?

HomeArticles, FAQWho resigned Bombay Assembly membership and started fast unto death demanding the unification of Kannada speaking regions?

Venkata Rao is revered as Karnataka Kulapurohita (High priest of the Kannada family) in the Karnataka region for his contribution towards the cause of a separate Karnataka state.

Q. Which is the famous work of Alur Venkata Rao?

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Q. What was the title given to Alur Venkata Rao?

Alur Venkata Rao

Q. Who wrote Karnataka Gathavaibhava?

About 27 books written by Rao have been published, the first of which was Vidyaranya Charitre in 1907. His other works include Karnataka Gatha Vaibhava, Karnataka Veeraratnagalu, Karnatakathva Sutragalu and Karnatakathva Vikasa.

Q. Who is RH Deshpande?

R. H. Deshpande who was studying in the Deccan college passed his M.A. examination with a gold medal in 1884, Russell persuaded him to join the Education department and assured him that he would, with his stellar academic career, soon replace him as the Inspector of the Southern Division.

Q. When was Karnataka unified?

Freedom Movement was followed by the movement for the unification of Karnataka. After Independence, the Mysore State was created in 1953, wherein all the Kannada dominant areas under different dispensations were unified and the enlarged Mysore state carved in 1956 and was renamed Karnataka in 1973.

Q. What are the five units of Karnataka?

PRAMC has the following five units.

  • Policy and Planning Unit.
  • Programming Unit.
  • Information Technology Unit.
  • Road Safety Unit.
  • Training Unit.

Q. Who gave name Karnataka?

Devaraj Urs is credited with renaming the Mysore State as Karnataka on November 1, 1973, according to historians, usage of the word ‘Karnataka’ was in vogue some six centuries ago.

Q. Does Karnataka has separate flag?

At present there is no official de jure flag of Karnataka, a state in India. A flag was proposed for the state in 2018, but was subsequently withdrawn and the unofficial Kannada flag remains in popular use in the state.

Q. What is the symbol of Karnataka state bird?

Indian roller

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Who resigned Bombay Assembly membership and started fast unto death demanding the unification of Kannada speaking regions?.
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