Who is responsible for ensuring that the pre conditions are valid?

Who is responsible for ensuring that the pre conditions are valid?

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Suppose that you call a function, and you neglect to make sure that the precondition is valid. Who is responsible if this inadvertently causes a 40-day flood or other disaster? The programmer who calls a function is responsible for ensuring that the precondition is valid.

Q. Can a member function of a class to activate call another member function of the same class?

Is it possible for a member function of a class to activate another member function of the same class? A. Yes, both public and private member functions can be activated within another member function.

Q. Is it possible for a member function of a class to activate?

Yes it is possible for a member function of a class to activate another member function of the same class.

Q. Who is responsible for making sure the postcondition of a method is true?

In some ways, you can think of the precondition/postcondition statements as a contract between two programmers: One programmer (who uses the function) is guaranteeing that she will make sure that the precondition is valid before the function is called.

Q. What are pre and post conditions?

Pre-conditions are the things that must be true before a method is called. The method tells clients “this is what I expect from you”. Post-conditions are the things that must be true after the method is complete.

Q. What is a post condition in coding?

In computer programming, a postcondition is a condition or predicate that must always be true just after the execution of some section of code or after an operation in a formal specification. Postconditions are sometimes tested using assertions within the code itself.

Q. What is a use case Post condition?

A post-condition of a use case lists possible states that the system can be in after the use case runs. The system must be in one of those states. A post-condition also states actions that the system performs at the end of the use case, regardless of what occurred in the use case.

Q. What is the difference between Post condition and expected result?

So postcondition describes the state of the system under test after executing the test, while the expected result describes its (visible) behavior.

Q. What is a trigger in a use case?

A trigger is the initiator of a use case. It is what causes the use case to start. There isn’t a promise that this event happens – only an indication that this event triggers the start of a use case.

Q. What is typically included in a use case?

A use case always contains actors, or the user; a system, or the process that’s required to reach the final outcome; and a goal, which is the successful user outcome.

Q. Why use cases are essential part of determining functional requirements?

It describes the sequence of interactions between actors and the system necessary to deliver the service that satisfies the goal. A complete set of use cases specifies all the different ways to use the system, and therefore defines all behavior required of the system, bounding the scope of the system.

Q. What is maintainability in non functional requirements?

Maintainability is how easy it is for a system to be supported, changed, enhanced, and restructured over time. This impact makes maintainability an important non-functional requirement to consider when developing software.

Q. What is reliability in non functional requirements?

DEFINITION: Reliability is the extent to which the software system consistently performs the specified functions without failure. ELICITATION: Reliability requirements address the user concern for the system’s immunity to failure.

Q. What is the difference between reliability and availability?

The measurement of Availability is driven by time loss whereas the measurement of Reliability is driven by the frequency and impact of failures. Mathematically, the Availability of a system can be treated as a function of its Reliability. In other words, Reliability can be considered a subset of Availability.

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Who is responsible for ensuring that the pre conditions are valid?.
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