Who did the giant love the most?

Who did the giant love the most?

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The little boy is the one who the giant loves the most because he wanted to climb the tree but he couldn’t so the giant helped him climb the tree and when other children used to come and play he asked them where is the little boy they said that they didn’t know where he lived so he waited a lot and one day he came and …

Q. What is the moral of story The Selfish Giant?

Moral Values that we can learn from this story is we should not be selfish. In the story, the Giant had a beautiful garden which at first he did not want to share it with the children. In the end he shared it with the children and we have to be kind to others because it will make us happy.

Q. What did the selfish giant say when he returned to his castle after seven years?

After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle. When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden. “What are you doing here?” he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.

Q. How long did the giant stay with his friend?

seven years

Q. When did the giant see the little boy again?

One Day he Saw the Little Boy Again With the movement in nature, the spring had again been replaced by winter. The Giant, however, was shocked one morning to see spring in one of the farthest corners of his garden.

Q. Why did the bird reject September’s offer to take him out everyday?

Princess September promised to take the bird out every day to enable him to see the trees, the fields and the lake. But the bird refused her offer. He demanded full freedom. He said seeing the sky and the fields from inside the cage were not the same things as watching them in freedom.

Q. Why was the giant angry when he saw his little friend again after many years?

Answer : The Giant was sad because he missed his dear little friend, the little boy whom he had climb the tree. He asked the other children to tell the little boy to come and play in his garden. The children, however, informed him that they didn’t know the boy nor they know where he lived.

Q. How did the giant’s heart melt when he looked out at the little boy?

The North Wind blew over one tree in the corner of the garden. The Giant realized that the Spring had not come to his garden as he had been selfish, and his heart melted at the thought of the little boy who stood crying under a tree in that corner as he could not reach its branches.

Q. How did the giant understand that he was being selfish?

Answer: (i) The Giant saw that the children had entered the garden through a small hole in the wall, and were sitting on the branches of trees. He realised that he was selfish not to allow the children to play in his garden.

Q. Who changed the heart of the Selfish Giant?

Answer. The giant who was once selfish had a change of heart.

Q. Who was the friend of Selfish Giant?

the Cornish ogre

Q. When did the giant realize his mistake?

He realized his mistake when he saw how spring had come in after the children crept into the garden through a little hole in the wall. He was filled with remorse for being unkind and insensitive. At the end of the story, the Giant became very kind and loving to all the children. 2.

Q. What made the giant feel sorry?

The giant felt sorry for what he had done and regretted about his selfish behaviour. He realised his mistake and understood why the spring never came into his garden. He made amends by being friendly to the children and by not frightening them anymore.

Q. Why was it still winter in one corner of the giant’s garden?

Answer: The isolated corner was to remind the Giant that he also needed to take some steps to keep the gloominess away. The presence of symbols of winter in that corner is to symbolize the past deeds of the Giant which led to overall unhappiness in the garden.

Q. Do you think the giant’s garden was the most beautiful garden give reasons?

Answer: The Giant’s garden was very beautiful. It had soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars and there were twelve peach trees that in the spring time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in autumn bore rich fruit.

Q. Was it still winter in one corner of the garden?

In one corner of the garden, there was a tree all covered with frost and snow. The North Wind was blowing and roaring above it. A little boy was standing in front of it, but could not reach its branches. As a result, there was still winter in this part of the garden.

Q. What does the tree symbolize in The Selfish Giant?

In Wilde’s “The Selfish Giant”, the tree symbolizes the cross upon which Jesus Christ was crucified. Towards the end of the story, the giant finds the tree with golden branches and silver fruit–all precious metals associated with the crucifix.

Q. What does the corner of the garden symbolize in The Selfish Giant?

The tree in the corner of the Giant’s garden is a marker of the little boy’s true identity as Christ and a symbol of the redemption he offers to all sinners. In Christian theology, Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion is the act by which he redeemed all humankind for all their sins, across all of time.

Q. What did the giant hear when he was lying awake in the bed?

One morning the Giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the King’s musicians passing by. “I believe the Spring has come at last,” said the Giant; and he jumped out of bed and looked out.

Q. What happens when the giant lay awake in bed one morning?

The giant who was once selfish had a change of heart. He was now sorry for what he had done and had opened his garden and heart to the children especially the little boy. His heart was now pure.

Q. Who according to the giant wears the most beautiful flowers of all?

Just like the sight of flowers makes everyone happy, the giant also liked to see the children. He now loved them very much. So the giant called them ‘the most beautiful flowers of all’. The children are called the most beautiful flowers because they are simple and innocent.

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Who did the giant love the most?.
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