Who did Mr Hamel blame?

Who did Mr Hamel blame?

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Answer: (i) M. Hamel blamed the parents for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz because their parents wanted them to work on farm to earn some money. Franz himself wanted to enjoy his time and thus, avoided going to school.

Q. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?

Answer: Franz noticed that the school was unusually quiet. Usually, there was a great commotion of the opening and closing of desks, of lessons repeated in unison, and the teacher’s huge ruler rapping on the table. But that particular day, it was as quiet as Sunday morning.

Q. What surprised little Franz went to school that day?

On the day Franz was late, he was surprised to see the class very quiet and subdued. He expected M. Hamel to scold him as soon as he entered, for being late, but his tutor behaved very kindly, and mildly told Franz to quickly go to his seat.

Q. What surprised the little Franz the most?

Answer : The thing that surprised Franz most was to see the elderly villagers seated on the back benches of the class. It surprised him as they hardly used to come to attend the class earlier.

Q. What did Franz do to skip his French lessons?

When M.Hamel declared that it was their last French lesson a grim realisation dawned on Franz that he had so much more yet to learn. He felt sorry for whiling away his time and skipping his lessons. Now he did not want to part with his books, which he had earlier consi¬dered a nuisance.

Q. What did Franz think of moments?

The teacher told the class that an order from Berlin has been received that states that only German will be taught from the next day and hence this was their last French class. Hence, Franz thought ‘for a moment’ to bunk the class and run away from school.

Q. What unusual things did Franz see in the classroom?

Franz noticed that the school was unusually quiet. Usually, there was a great commotion of the opening and closing of desks, of lessons repeated in unison, and the teacher’s huge ruler rapping on the table.

Q. What was unusual in the market on the day of last lesson?

Hamel didn’t angrs on the day of the last lesson, when ever he saw Franz ,he told him very kindly to take his seat. M. Hamel was in his beautiful dresses which wore on the days of the inspection and prize giving days. All these unusual thinks were noticed by Franz on the day of the last lesson.

Q. Why were the words a thunderclap to Franz?

Ans: The order from Berlin was called a thunderclap by Franz because it was a shock for him to know that the study of French language had been prohibited in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine and only German would be taught there.

Q. How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson?

How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that one other days? The whole school looked strange and solemn. There was no hustle and bustle. The rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table was not heard.

Q. How was Mr Hamel dressed differently that day and why?

He was wearing his beautiful green coat, with frilled shirt,and a little black silk cal,all embroidered. He usually wore this dress on inspection and on the days of function or prize distribution. He wore the dress on that day as he was aware that he is going to give his last lesson in their mother tongue French.

Q. How did the whole school seem?

The whole school seemed so strange and solemn because everybody was very sad to knew the order passed from Berlin to teach only German instead of French language in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. That was the last day of M. Hamel and last lesson in French. # Hope this helps.

Q. How different was the scene in the classroom on the day of last lesson Why?

There was an unusual silence in the school that day. Usually there was a huge hustle and bustle which could be heard out on the streets but that day, everything was as quiet as sunday morning. There was no opening and closing of benches. All the students were already seated on their benches.

Q. Who was Franz The last lesson?

The narrator of the story, Franz is a young school boy in the French region of Alsace-Lorraine in the nineteenth century. Franz is a dawdler when it comes to schoolwork, preferring to spend time in the woods or by the local river over going to class.

Q. What was M Hamel holding under his arms?

Franz noticed that all of his classmates were already in their seats and M Hamel was walking up and down with his iron ruler under his arm.

Q. Why did Franz feel so sorry?

Franz was sorry for not learning his lessons, for having found his books heavy and his history of the saints, were old friends, now that he couldn’t give up. He also felt sorry for Hamel who was going away.

Q. Who was Mr Hamel in the last lesson?

Hamel was a teacher who had been teaching the French for the last 40 years. In his last lesson, he told that from the next day the students would be learning the German from a new teacher.

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