Who could vote in Greece?

Who could vote in Greece?

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Greek citizens aged 17 and over on the year of the election are eligible to vote, and at the age of 25 and over are also eligible to be elected to Parliament. Women’s suffrage was adopted in 1930.

Q. Which group of Athenians could vote?

‘ Male citizens in Athens could vote on all the decisions that affected the city and serve on juries. However, democracy was not open to everyone. Citizen women and children were not allowed to vote.

Q. How did Athenians vote in the Assembly?

The ekklesia of Athens The assembly was responsible for declaring war, military strategy and electing the strategoi and other officials. It was responsible for nominating and electing magistrates (árchontes), thus indirectly electing the members of the Areopagus.

Q. What percentage of Athens total population were citizens?

Citizens could be involved in the running of Athens and could be chosen for important positions. They were also allowed to own land. Citizens were between 10% and 20% of the total population at various times in the 5rh and 4th centuries.

Q. Is Athens a true democracy?

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.

Q. What was Athens government?

Athenian democracy refers to the system of democratic government used in Athens, Greece from the 5th to 4th century BCE. Under this system, all male citizens – the dēmos – had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.

Q. Why is Sparta said to have been an oligarchy?

In the city-state of Sparta, an oligarchy controlled the power. The citizens had little say in the decisions made by the government but, at the time, this was the structure that existed. The Spartans gave up an emphasis on comfort and culture for a more disciplined military approach.

Q. What do we usually call a ruler in a monarchy?

A monarch is the ruler of a monarchy. Monarchs usually get their power by inheritance – from one of their parents. A male monarch is usually called a king or emperor. A female monarch is usually called a queen or empress. Monarchs were very common in history until the 19th century.

Q. Which best defines Medicare?

Medicare is a national program that subsidizes healthcare services for anyone 65 or older, younger people with specific eligibility criteria, and people with certain diseases.

Q. Which program is an example of socialized medicine?

The Veterans Health Administration, the Military Health System, and the Indian Health Service are examples of socialized medicine in the stricter sense of government administered care, but they are for limited populations.

Q. Which country has the best socialized medicine?

22, falling seven spots on the list compared to 2020.

  • United Kingdom.
  • Norway. Quality of Life Rank: 4.
  • Netherlands. Quality of Life Rank: 7.
  • Switzerland. Quality of Life Rank: 5.
  • Canada. Quality of Life Rank: 1.
  • Denmark. Quality of Life Rank: 2.
  • Germany. Quality of Life Rank: 9.
  • Sweden. Quality of Life Rank: 3.

Q. Who pays for socialized medicine?

The concept of completely socialized medicine means that the government provides all aspects of health care: It pays for all care. It employs the providers. It runs the facilities.

Q. Does Greece have socialized medicine?

Healthcare in Greece consists of a universal health care system provided through national health insurance, and private health care. According to the 2011 budget, the Greek healthcare system was allocated 6.1 billion euro, or 2.8% of GDP.

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Who could vote in Greece?.
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