Which state of India has richest flora and fauna?

Which state of India has richest flora and fauna?

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Madhya Pradesh, is endowed with rich and diverse forest resources. It is a reservoir of biodiversity. The forest area of the state constitutes 31% of the geographical area of the state and 12.44% of the forest area of the country.

Q. Why does India possess great variety of flora and fauna?

India possess a large variety of flora and fauna due to latitude, altitude and climatic position along with other relief features like mountains, plains, deserts and coastal regions. Climate- Climate is also an important factor that is responsible for the large variety of flora and fauna in India.

Q. Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna give 4 5 points?

It has 89,000 species of animals as well as a rich variety of fish. It has about 15,000 flowering plants and ferns. India is blessed with different types of soils, climatic conditions and physical features and thus, it is suitable for supporting different species of flora and fauna making it a biodiversity hot spot.

Q. Why does India passes a great diversity of flora explain?

India possesses a great variety of flora due to : (a) Varied relief of mountains, plains, plateaus, deserts. They all have their own different types of flora. (b) Different types of terrain and soils-like alluvial, black, red, laterite-support different types ‘of vegetation and crops.

Q. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna Class 9?

The reasons why India is rich in flora and fauna is because India is known to be a diverse country with innumerous species of animals and plants. Even the monsoon season is varied across India to support the climate, which in turn helps the different species of plants and animals to survive accordingly.

Q. Why does India abound in rich and varied vegetation?

The India abound in rich and varied vegetation because from the past Indias main occupation is primary occupation that is Agriculture . The another reason that India’s land contains fertile soil , proper climate, water which is suitable for the growth of different types of vegetation… Mark me as the brainliest…

Q. What are the three causes for the different types of vegetation in India?

They grow naturally by following the climatic variables. The types of natural vegetation differ according to precipitation, soil, climate, and topography. The cultivated crops and fruits, orchards form part of vegetation, but not natural vegetation.

Q. What happened to the original vegetation cover in India?

Explanation: They are the monsoon forests found in the large part of India- Eastern Slopes of the Western Ghats, the Tarai regions of the Himalayas, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water.

Q. How is India a land of great natural contrasts in terms of natural vegetation?

India is a land of great variety of natural vegetation: (i)Himalayan heights are marked with temperate vegetation; the Western Ghats and the Andaman Nicobar Islands have tropical rain forests, the deltaic regions have tropical forests and mangroves.

Q. Why is India called a republic?

India is called a republic as the representatives are elected by the people of the country. The representatives elected by citizens have the power to take decisions on our behalf. India declared itself a Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state with the adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950.

Q. What is the natural vegetation of India?

(1) Tropical Evergreen Rain Forests, (2) Deciduous or Monsoon Type of Forests, (3) Dry Deciduous Forests and Scrubs, (4) Semi Desert and Desert Vegetation, (5) Tidal or Mangrove Forests and (6) Mountain Forests.

Q. What are the characteristics of natural vegetation?

Presence of wide range of grasses, and some grasses may grow very high known as Elephant grasses. In-between long grasses are scattered short trees & low bushes. Natural vegetation in tropical grasslands also shows a series of transitions between the rainforest and the desert.

Q. What is natural vegetation give its classification?

While flora are plant species of a particular period and/or region, vegetation refers to an assemblage of plant species forming an ecology in association with each other. Champion, the classification of natural vegetation in India can be divided into 5 types and 15 sub-types.

Q. What is the difference between flora and vegetation?

Vegetation is an assemblage of plant species and the ground cover they provide. It is broader than the term flora which refers to species composition.

Q. What are the importance of natural vegetation?

Vegetation serves several critical functions in the biosphere, at all possible spatial scales. First, vegetation regulates the flow of numerous biogeochemical cycles, most critically those of water, carbon, and nitrogen; it is also of great importance in local and global energy balances.

Q. What are some examples of vegetation?

Vegetation is defined as growing plants, or a life without physical, mental or social activity. All the plants in the rain forest are an example of vegetation. A person who is brain dead is an example of someone who lives in a state of vegetation. The plants of an area or a region; plant life.

Q. What is the primary plant life in forests?

Forests can be divided into three major types: tropical (near the equator), temperate (mid-latitude), and taiga (subarctic latitudes). Each type is different, but they are all characterized by four basic layers. The emergent layer is at the tops of tallest trees.

Q. What is a forest vegetation?

Forests are the dominant vegetation of national parks in the National Capital Region Network (NCRN) and the surrounding area. Approximately two-thirds of this park land is forested. These forests are dominated by broad-leafed deciduous trees, but conifers, such as pines and hemlocks, are common in some areas as well.

Q. What are the 4 types of forest?

Forest: Type # 1. Tropical Forest:

  • (i) Tropical wet evergreen forest:
  • (ii) Tropical semi-evergreen forest:
  • (iii) Tropical moist deciduous:
  • (iv) Tropical dry evergreen forest:
  • (v) Dry tropical deciduous:
  • (vi) Dry tropical thorn forest:
  • (i) Sub-Tropical hill forest:
  • (ii) Sub-Tropical pine forest:

Q. What is Forest in simple words?

A forest is a piece of land with many trees. Many animals need forests to live and survive. They are an ecosystem which includes many plants and animals. Temperature and rainfall are the two most important things for forests. Many places are too cold or too dry for them.

Q. What are the 20 uses of forest?

FencingSoil erosion check
Wind breaks and shelter beltsSoil improvement

Q. How do humans impact the forests?

Such activities as commercial and artisanal logging, large scale land conversion, fuelwood and charcoal production, slash and burn agriculture, harvesting of non-timber forest products, hunting and mining all affect forest biodiversity.

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