Which one is better print media or electronic media?

Which one is better print media or electronic media?

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The answer is no …. Electronic media is better but not in every field . Print media includes newspaper,journals etc . The biggest advantage of having print media for those who doesn’t have access of electronic media I.e in rural areas.

Q. Why electronic media is important?

Electronic media makes people aware of world-wide things. Greater opportunities you get through this media sitting at your place, this is an advantage of media. Also through this electronic media you can get to see many cultural events going in world. Elder citizen and children get more knowledge through this media.

Q. What do you mean by electronic media?

Electronic media are media that use electronics or electromechanical means for the audience to access the content. Any equipment used in the electronic communication process (e.g. television, radio, telephone, game console, handheld device) may also be considered electronic media.

Q. What is the disadvantage of print media?

Limited customer reach, minimal interaction, grabbing customer attention and environmental harm are some issues that a mix of digital and print media can solve. Print media has been around for over centuries.

Q. Why is electronic media better than print?

Electronic Media is better than print media because of the following factors: It’s easily accessible. Broadcasting is easier in electronic media as compared to distribution of information using print media. Live events can be shared using electronic media using videos, pictures, podcasts etc.

Q. What are the disadvantages of electronic media?

  • It leads to individualism.
  • Some media contents are not suitable for children.
  • Newspaper is geographically selective.
  • Increase in advertisements in television and radio is making them less attractive.
  • Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities of imposters, fraud and hacking.

Q. What are the advantages and disadvantages of print media and electronic media?

Electronic Media:

Print MediaElectronic Media
It is slower than electronic media as printing newspaper, books, magazines, etc., takes a lot of time.It is much faster than print media as writing and uploading a story that has happened just a few moments ago may take only a few minutes.

Q. Is print better than digital?

The results showed a discrepancy between the test scores: Those who read the digital version of the text didn’t perform as well as those who read the print versions. digital reading, and found that paper readers were more efficient and had a better understanding of what they had read.

Q. Why print is the new digital?

Print is permanent. A Temple University (U.S.) study found paper beat digital in a host of areas, including for creating an emotional reaction and a desire for a product or service. The study found print marketing activated the ventral striatum of the brain more than digital media.

Q. What is the difference between print and electronic media?

Print media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through printed publications. Electronic Media is form of mass media which creates, delivers news and information through electronic medium.

Q. What is the difference of interview between print and electronic media?

The main difference between Print Media and Electronic Media is that Print Media is that means of mass communication through which information disseminated in printed form, and Electronic Media is one wherein electronic energy is employed to convey information to the audience.

Q. Is a pamphlet print media?

Print media, like brochures, encourage customers to read or interact with the material almost immediately. The more times your customer interacts with your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you. Brochures are a great print source to offer people more information regarding your services and products.

Q. What is the main purpose of print media in society?

Functions of print media are transmission information, entertainment, doing advertising and persuasive. Nowadays, internet has become a basic need for mostly people.

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Which one is better print media or electronic media?.
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