Which of the following is what scientists mean when they use the term theory?

Which of the following is what scientists mean when they use the term theory?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is what scientists mean when they use the term theory?

Which of the following is what scientists mean when they use the term theory? a set of findings that are supported by repeated testing.

Q. What is the term for the cumulative body of observations?

Empirical Evidence. The cumulative body of observations on which scientific explanations are based.

Q. What is cumulative body?

1 growing in quantity, strength, or effect by successive additions or gradual steps. cumulative pollution. 2 gained by or resulting from a gradual building up.

Q. Which of the following terms is another name for a well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature?

scientific theory

Q. What is a well-supported widely accepted explanation of nature not just a claim made by an individual which vocabulary word?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not “guesses” but reliable accounts of the real world.

Q. What is the role of science and technology in society?

The essence of how science and technology contributes to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing society.

Q. How does science and technology help society?

Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to create cultures; and to improve human conditions.

Q. What is the most important technology in society today?

Artificial intelligence is probably the most important and ground-breaking trend in technology today. The advent of smart homes, smart cities, and the Internet Of Things means that AI will be integrated more and more into our everyday lives.

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Which of the following is what scientists mean when they use the term theory?.
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