Which of the following is least likely to be a key consideration when a company chooses a supplier group of answer choices?

Which of the following is least likely to be a key consideration when a company chooses a supplier group of answer choices?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is least likely to be a key consideration when a company chooses a supplier group of answer choices?

The correct answer would be option D, Current Inventory. Current Inventory is least likely to be a key consideration when a company chooses a supplier.

Q. Which of these aspects of supply chain management are especially concerning to small business?

Three aspects of supply chain management that are often of concern to small businesses are: (1) inventory management; (2) reducing risks; and (3) international trade. Traffic management refers to truck movement within our parking areas.

Q. Which of the following while desirable from some perspectives might actually increase the risk of supply chain reductions?

Which of the following, while desirable from some perspectives, might actually increase the risk of supply chain reductions? Fewer suppliers results in greater concentration among suppliers, making the supply chain riskier.

Q. Which of the following is considered an advantage of e commerce for supply chain management?

An advantage of the use of e-commerce for supply chain management is that companies can collect more detailed information about clients’ choices. Cross docking is a technique to reduce the need to store inventory at warehouses and distribution centres.

Q. Which of the following is an advantage of e commerce?

Cost reduction One of the biggest advantages of ecommerce to business that keep sellers interested in online selling is cost reduction. Many sellers have to pay lots to maintain their physical store. An ecommerce store is affordable and requires less investment when compared with a physical store.

Q. What are the issues and challenges in global supply chain management?

6 Global Supply Chain Challenges To Ignore at Your Own Risk

  • Quality levels and defects. Manufacturing processes aren’t perfect, so the industry typically accepts a certain quality level for products.
  • Time zones.
  • Long-range logistics.
  • Accountability and compliance.
  • Delays.
  • Language barriers.

Q. What are the 5 biggest supply chain challenges?

Alleviating 5 biggest supply chain challenges

  • The world is smaller than we know it with globalization. The first and foremost challenge that businesses are facing is how to reduce their supply chain costs.
  • Servicing customer expectations and preferences.
  • Planning and risk management.
  • Supplier relationship management (SRM)
  • Skills and talent within the supply chain.

Q. What are six supply chain issues that might affect international shipments?

The 6 Biggest Logistics Challenges Facing Canadian Supply Chains

  1. Unexpected Weather.
  2. Environmental Regulations.
  3. Globalization.
  4. Unpredictable Fuel Price Hikes.
  5. Big Data.
  6. Finding the Right Talent.

Q. What are the five key issues of supply chain management?

7 Main Challenges in Supply Chain Management And How You Can Workaround It

  • Quality Customer Service. The supply chain management is centralized on the needs of the customers.
  • Costing.
  • Risk Management.
  • Supplier Relationship.
  • Qualified Personnel.
  • Unforeseen Delays.
  • Fast-Changing Markets.

Q. What are key issues in the future of SCM?

Three Key Issues in Supply Chain Management

  • Key Issue #1: Globalization. Globalization presents several critical supply chain management challenges to enterprises and organizations:
  • Key Issue #2: Fast-changing Markets.
  • Key Issue #3: Quality and Compliance.

Q. What are the critical issues in the supply chain?

Top Challenges Facing Supply Chain in 2020

  • Limited Granularity of Data.
  • Single-source Amplifies Supply Chain Risk.
  • Slowed Digital Transformation.
  • Maintaining Traditional Inventory Strategies.
  • Lack of Actionable Data and Insights.

Q. What are the biggest risks being faced by the supply chain leaders?

7 Challenges Facing Supply Chain Leaders in 2019

  • Predictions of a potential macroeconomic downturn are abundant.
  • Freight capacity equilibrium appears to be achieved.
  • The difficulties of talent acquisition and retainment are growing.
  • Omni-channel offerings will keep expanding, wreaking havoc on operations and more.

Q. Is supply chain a stressful job?

The logistics side is stressful. You will be held accountable for things that are 100% outside of your control and will frequently have to deal with very shady, low brow people.

Q. Does supply chain have future?

The Supply Chain of the Future. To design a supply chain that is fit to flourish in 2025, supply chain leaders should anticipate how key forces of change will impact their supply chains and look to evolve their supply chain management approaches accordingly.

Q. Does supply chain management involve a lot of math?

Demand planning and procurement parameter optimization is heavily math based. Very few Supply Chain pros use those math skills. Optimization is increasingly outsourced to software companies. You may enjoy data science and machine learning, those are growing fields in supply chain companies.

Q. Is supply chain a hard major?

SCM course will require you to complete statistics and quantitative research which involves mathematics and if that seems hard then it is hard. Apart from these two rest are mostly knowledge based.

Q. Is a Masters in Supply Chain worth it?

According to one Quora commenter, a master’s degree is probably most useful if you work in the procurement, sourcing, buying and merchandising side of SCM and least useful in transportation and distribution. Logistics is a field experiencing rapid growth, and demand for supply chain experts is strong.

Q. Is it hard to get into supply chain management?

Going straight from your logistics course or a career in an unrelated field to working in supply chain management will not be easy, but there are ways to gain industry experience and work your way into the field over time.

Q. Is supply chain a good field?

Supply Chain is a fantastic career path for anyone. For many people their interests, desires, and goals will change over time. A great feature of Supply Chain careers is that there are so many options and directions that as your goals change you can easily change within Supply Chain.

Q. Are supply chain jobs in demand?

Between 2010 and 2020, the number of available jobs in supply chain will grow by 26 percent. Currently, the demand-to-supply ratio of jobs to qualified individuals is six to one. Most of the openings exist in middle management positions, in which there is a current shortage of 54 percent.

Q. Which is the best certification in supply chain management?

The supply chain management certifications considered top in the industry are:

  • APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional Certification (CSCP)
  • APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)
  • APICS Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR-P) Endorsement.

Q. Is the CSCP exam difficult?

CSCP exam date comes with a window pattern, the exam is moderately tough yet not highly hard that one can not crack it! APICS is the organization and awarding body for supply chain administration and a not-for-profit international education organization offering qualification.

Q. How do I advance my career in supply chain?

Here are 5 key actions to advance your logistics or supply chain career:

  1. 1) Consider all the skills in your wheelhouse.
  2. 2) Network within the industry.
  3. 3) Expand your software and technology skills.
  4. 4) Know how to promote your soft skills.
  5. 5) Let your differences shine.

Q. Is CSCP certification valuable?

According to the organization, individuals with a CSCP certification earn an average of 21 percent more than their CSCP-free peers, while 62.6 percent of certified supply chain professionals think their certification had a “positive impact on their hiring potential.”

Q. Which is better Cscp or CPIM?

CPIM focuses on the knowledge of production and inventory management within the organization. CSCP focuses on the mastery of the extended supply chain — extending beyond internal operations from organizations’ suppliers through to the end customer.

Q. Which is better Cpsm or Cscp?

Both are excellent, but there are differences. The primary difference between the APICS CSCP and the ISM CPSM is that, while the CSCP covers the whole spectrum of supply chain management (see below ), the CPSM focuses more specifically on the supply management side of the supply chain.

Q. How much does CSCP exam cost?

The exam costs $725 for non members and $525 for members. If you plan on taking the test you are already even. With the free $40 APICS dictionary you also receive for being a member you are already ahead on your initial $200 APICS membership costs.

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Which of the following is least likely to be a key consideration when a company chooses a supplier group of answer choices?.
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