Which of the following is an example of inductive discipline?

Which of the following is an example of inductive discipline?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is an example of inductive discipline?

Here’s an example of inductive reasoning. When someone hits you, you feel hurt. Therefore, when you hit someone else, that person must feel hurt, too. Even though you are not absolutely sure that is the case, induction allows you to draw a general conclusion with some confidence.

Q. Which of the following would most likely be a resilient child?

Which of the following would most likely be a resilient child? The child who lives in a neglectful environment but shows few adverse effects because she has the support of her teachers and extended family.

Q. Which of the following changes in children would one expect to see in the first few years after divorce quizlet?

Which of the following changes in children would one expect to see in the first few years after divorce? They would be able to think of the color they want to paint their bedroom while in the paint store.

Q. What is the term that describes a child’s ability to cheer themselves up when they are sad or calm themselves when they are angry quizlet?

What is the term that describes a child’s ability to cheer themselves up when they are sad or calm themselves when they are angry? Emotional regulation. As the categorical self and the emotional self mature, what new component of self-concept is likely to develop? Social self.

Q. What is the term that describes a child’s ability to cheer themselves up?

What is the term that describes a child’s ability to cheer themselves up when they are sad or calm themselves when they are angry? emotional regulation.

Q. What is a negative consequence of spanking as a form of discipline quizlet?

Although spanking may result in a reaction of shock by the child and cessation of the undesired behavior, repeated spanking may cause agitated, aggressive behavior in the child that may lead to physical altercation between parent and child.

Q. What is the most effective disciplinary technique quizlet?

Punishment. Punishment is most effective if it is consistent, immediate, and clearly tied to the misbehavior. Harsh punishment may be counterproductive.

Q. Which parenting style has the most consistently positive outcomes?

From decades of studies, researchers found that authoritative parenting is consistently linked to the best outcomes in kids. Authoritative parenting style is considered the best parenting style by psychologists and psychiatrists.

Q. What is it called when one spouse kills another?

When one spouse murders another, it is called: intimate partner homicide.

Q. Can you have 2 religions?

Yes! Many religions dovetail and braid into one another. Many Buddhists practice Shinto, for instance, which is a folk religion of Southeast Asia informing people about the spirits of their ancestors and the spirits of nature and Earth, etc.

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Which of the following is an example of inductive discipline?.
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