Which of the following is a good example of unlimited resources?

Which of the following is a good example of unlimited resources?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is a good example of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources are those which get renewed or replenished quickly. Some of these are unlimited and are not affected by human activities, such as solar and wind energy. Water seems to be an unlimited renewable resource.

Q. Are renewable resources non depletable?

The term “renewable” is generally applied to those energy resources and technologies whose common characteristic is that they are non-depletable or naturally replenishable. Such commercial technologies include hydroelectric power, solar energy, fuels derived from biomass, wind energy and geothermal energy.

Q. Which of the following is an example of resource?

Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand are natural resources. Other natural resources are air, sunlight, soil and water. Animals, birds, fish and plants are natural resources as well.

Q. What are some unlimited resources?

No resource is truly unlimited. There are abundant resources, but even abundance is always relative to patterns and intensity of use. Take water for instance – the kind we can use for cooking and drinking. Until recently, water was thought to be available in rather unlimited amounts.

Q. What are the three resources?

Classical economics recognizes three categories of resources, also referred to as factors of production: land, labor, and capital.

Q. What is an abundant resource?

resource abundance is synonymous to these terms. Natural resource abundant economies are defined as those whose resource production account for at least 40% of GDP and/or at least 8% of exports.

Q. How do we rely on natural resources?

Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil provide heat, light and power.

Q. How do you explain lack of resources?


  1. an insufficiency, shortage, or absence of something required or desired.
  2. something that is required but is absent or in short supply. vb.
  3. when intr, often foll by: in or for to be deficient (in) or have need (of)

Q. What are lack of resources?

Lack of resources usually means lack of time, people and/or money. A similar situation happens when talking to a CEO about the progress of Six Sigma/Lean implementation – lack of people, time and money…

Q. How you are going to overcome the barriers to physical activity participation lack of resources?

Solutions: Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, such as walking, jogging, jumping rope or calisthenics. Identify inexpensive, convenient resources in your community, such as parks and recreation programs, worksite wellness groups, walking clubs, etc.

Q. How do you handle short supply of resources for the project?

Monitoring Project Resources In order to avoid a resource shortage, it’s essential that you monitor your project resources throughout the project. There are several ways to do this in your project management or resource tracking software. You can: Track resource availability.

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