Which of the following is a bulk phenomenon and surface phenomenon respectively?

Which of the following is a bulk phenomenon and surface phenomenon respectively?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following is a bulk phenomenon and surface phenomenon respectively?

Answer. Boiling is a bulk phenomenon. Particles of the bulk of the liquid gain enough energy to change to vapour state. Whereas evaporation is a surface phenomenon.

Q. Which of the following is a surface phenomenon?

When the temperature rises, then the process of evaporation occurs, as a result of which the molecules are easily disintegrated at the surface. It is due to this, the process of evaporation is commonly considered as a surface phenomenon.

Q. Why is melting a surface phenomenon?

The kinetic energy of the topmost molecules will get dissipated in air. Melting process is also an example of surface phenomenon. Boiling is the bulk phenomenon because in this the particles of the bulk of liquid gain energy and then get converted into gaseous or vapor state.

Q. Which of the following is not a surface phenomenon?

Electrolysis process. Process of electrolysis is not a surface phenomenon.

Q. Why boiling phenomenon is Class 9?

The temperature at which a liquid changes into gas or vapour is known as boiling point. The boiling point of water is 100 C.It is called bulk phenomena because particles inside liquid gains adequate energy to change into vapour state and this happens only at boiling point.

Q. What do you mean by boiling is a bulk phenomenon?

The temperature at which liquid changes into its gaseous state is called as boiling point. During boiling of a liquid, say water or milk, heating is to be done from the bottom of the vessel to bring the temperature of the entire liquid to its boiling point – so it is a bulk phenomenon.

Q. What is meant by a bulk phenomenon?

Bulk phenomenon corresponds to the phenomenon in which the whole object or substance is involved in the process and is fully influenced in bulk. Example – Boiling.

Q. Which of the following is a bulk phenomenon Mcq?

Boiling is the bulk phenomena while the rest are surface phenomena. A phenomena where the total molecules in the system are involved is called a Bulk phenomena.

Q. Why evaporation is a surface phenomenon and boiling is a bulk phenomenon?

Ans: Yes boiling is considered as bulk phenomenon because total molecules (including interior molecules along with surface molecules) are involved during boiling of any liquid. Whereas during evaporation only surface molecules will involved, so it is considered as surface phenomenon. Boiling is a bulk phenomenon.

Q. What is bulk and surface phenomena?

Evaporation is a surface phenomenon means the above water will evaporate from the whole water and boiling is a bulk phenomenon it means water particles will evaporate from all sides of container containing water.

Q. Is surface tension a bulk phenomenon?

Viscosity is a bulk property, whereas surface tension, evaporation and capillarity are surface phenomenon.

Q. Is evaporation of water is a bulk phenomenon?

Evaporation is a surface phenomenon, whereas boiling is a bulk phenomenon. …

Q. Which of the following statement is correct boiling is a bulk phenomenon?

Summary of the answer- in evaporation the molecule at the surface of the work surface of water only get evaporated by Latent heat from environment. By this we can conclude that- Evaporation is a surface phenomenon while boiling is bulk phenomena.

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