Which of the following changes will slow down a reaction?

Which of the following changes will slow down a reaction?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich of the following changes will slow down a reaction?

Explanation: According to rate law, rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of reactants. Thus, we can conclude that decreasing the concentration of the reactant will slow down a reaction.

Q. What are three factors that affect the rate of chemical reaction?

Reactant concentration, the physical state of the reactants, and surface area, temperature, and the presence of a catalyst are the four main factors that affect reaction rate.

Q. What must happen before a chemical reaction can begin quizlet?

What must happen before a chemical reaction can begin? The activation energy must be reached.

Q. How does a catalyst affect the equilibrium constant?

Equilibrium constants are not changed if you add (or change) a catalyst. The only thing that changes an equilibrium constant is a change of temperature. The position of equilibrium is not changed if you add (or change) a catalyst. A catalyst speeds up both the forward and back reactions by exactly the same amount.

Q. How does the concentration of a catalyst affect a reaction?

Increasing the concentration of a reactant increases the frequency of collisions between reactants and will, therefore, increase the reaction rate. When a catalyst is added, the activation energy is lowered because the catalyst provides a new reaction pathway with lower activation energy.

Q. Does concentration of catalyst affect rate constant?

These are all included in the so-called rate constant (k)- which is only actually constant if all you are changing is the concentration of the reactants….What are catalysts?

Hydrogenation of a C=C double bondnickel

Q. Does the concentration of a catalyst affect rate?

If temperature or reactant concentration is increased, the rate of a given reaction generally increases as well. A catalyst can increase the rate of a reaction by providing an alternative pathway that causes the activation energy of the reaction to decrease.

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Which of the following changes will slow down a reaction?.
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