Which line from the poem illustrates a simile listening to her practice?

Which line from the poem illustrates a simile listening to her practice?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich line from the poem illustrates a simile listening to her practice?

The line that illustrates a simile is “She’s gone from sounding like the smoke detector through Old MacDonald and Jingle Bells.”

Q. What is a blank verse form?

Blank verse is unrhyming verse in iambic pentameter lines. This means that the rhythm is biased towards a pattern in which an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one (iambic) and that each normal line has ten syllables, five of them stressed (pentameter). It reasserts itself in the two lines that follow.

Q. What is blank verse form Brainly?

It is a type of verse with neither a consistent rhyme nor a consistent meter. It is a type of verse with an abcb or abab rhyme scheme but no consistent meter.

Q. How is free verse different from blank?

Both blank verse and free verse are free from rhyme scheme. But, whereas blank verse does have a consistent meter, usually iambic pentameter, that creates a du-DUM rhythm effect, free verse is free from both meter and rhyme. It is free from the limitations of verse poetry.

Q. What is it called when a line of poetry continues on to another line both in sense and in grammar a end Stoppedb Alliterationc Enjambmentd assonance?

The answer is enjambment lines.

Q. Which phrase best describes Plath technique in her poem edge?

The phrase ‘the use of largely figurative language’ best describes Sylvia Plath’s technique in her poem “Edge.”

Q. Which of the following is a key reason to include hyperbole?

A key reason to include hyperbole in a literary work is that it includes to add humor and to heighten the effect.

Q. What is metonymy and its examples?

Metonymy is the use of a linked term to stand in for an object or concept. Sometimes metonymy is chosen because it’s a well-known characteristic of the concept. A famous example is, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” from Edward Bulwer Lytton’s play Richelieu.

Q. What are some examples of euphemism?

Examples of Euphemisms

  • Passed away instead of died.
  • Dearly departed instead of died.
  • Ethnic cleansing instead of genocide.
  • Negative patient outcome instead of died.
  • Collateral damage instead of accidental deaths.
  • Put to sleep instead of euthanize.
  • Pregnancy termination instead of abortion.
  • Bite the big one instead of die.

Q. What is euphemism give two examples?

More Examples of Common Euphemisms

didn’t make ithas died
differently ableddisabled
exotic dancerstripper
kicked the buckethas died

Q. What is the euphemism of lazy?

Couch Potato

Q. What is a euphemism for jail?

8. 2. pokey. (Slang) A jail.

Q. What do you call a jail?

A prison or jail is a building where people are forced to live if their freedom has been taken away. Other words for a prison include a gaol (pronounced like “jail”), penitentiary or correctional facility. In the US, the words “prison” and “jail” mean separate things.

Q. Why is jail called Pokey?

The origin of the word pokey as a slang term for jail isn’t certain, but it might be based on the word pogey, referring to a type of institution for housing poor people. Similar synonyms are slammer, clink, can, joint—all of which are also usually used with the.

Q. How long is a bird in jail?

Bird is cockney rhyming slang for birdlime (time) as in “my mate is doing six months bird”.

Q. Did a bid in jail?

Going to prison is called “doing a bid”.

Q. What does bird mean in jail?


Q. Why is a cell called a Peter?

Cell (1800s). Originated from the old slang ‘peter’, for portmanteau (a trunk or a box), the term was applied to the box-like qualities of a cell) A black peter was a punishment cell, usually a very dark one. A peter thief is a prisoner who steals from others’ cells. ‘Peter’ was recorded at Boggo Road in 1907.

Q. What is the verse form of a poem?

verse form – a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines. poem. line of poetry, line of verse – a single line of words in a poem. literary composition, literary work – imaginative or creative writing.

Q. What is a rhymed verse poem?

What Is a Rhymed Poem? A rhymed poem is a work of poetry that contains rhyming vowel sounds at particular moments. (Common vowel sounds are also known as “assonance”—not to be confused with “consonance” which refers to common consonant sounds.) Free verse makes no requirements for meter or rhyme.

Q. Is sonnet a form poem?

The sonnet is a popular classical form that has compelled poets for centuries. Traditionally, the sonnet is a fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter, employing one of several rhyme schemes, and adhering to a tightly structured thematic organization.

Q. What do you think the last two lines of the poem?

Answer: The last two lines of the poem reflect the courage to accept the challenge and take the right decisions in life. The poet decided to take the path that was less travelled by the others because he wanted to do something different in his life.

Q. What problem does the poet face?

The conflict that the poet faces is to choose one of the two, roads and whether his decision would be the right one. One road is less trodden, adventurous and full of challenges, while the other road is more trodden upon. It is a beaten track which is easy and without any difficulties.

Q. What is the summary of the poem a legend of the Northland?

The poem ‘A legend of the Northland’ is about an old lady who angered Saint Peter because of her greed. This story is of the Northland area, the area which is near the North Pole. The story begins like this. One day, Saint Peter was preaching around the world and reached the door of a cottage where this woman lived.

Q. What was the lady’s reaction?

Saint peter asked for a small piece of cake because he was felling very hungry . The old lady was so greedy and selfish that she didn’t give a single piece of cake also that was as small as a wafer.

Q. Is this poem correct in being known as a legend?

1 Answer. A legend is a semi true story which has been passed on from person-to-person through ages. This legend has an important meaning or symbolism for the culture in which it originates. This poem can also be regarded as a folktale which again is a story told from one generation to another.

Q. Who is the poet of the poem The Legend of Northland?


Q. Who is the legend of Northland?

Saint Peter

Q. What the three witches say to Macbeth?

The three witches greet Macbeth as “Thane of Glamis” (as he is), “Thane of Cawdor,” and “king hereafter.” They then promise Banquo that he will father kings, and they disappear.

Q. What is frog toe?

Toe of frog = Buttercup (Ranunculus acris L.) Wool of bat = Holly Leaves (Ilex aquifolium) Tongue of dog = Gypsyflower from the Genus Hound’s Tounge (Cynoglossum officinale L.)

Q. What’s in a witches cauldron?

Most often a cauldron is made of cast iron and is used to burn loose incense on a charcoal disc, to make black salt (used in banishing rituals), for mixing herbs, or to burn petitions (paper with words of power or wishes written on them).

Q. What do witches put in their cauldron?

Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Q. What are 3 witches called?

the Weird Sisters

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Which line from the poem illustrates a simile listening to her practice?.
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