Which kinds of punctuation are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses select the two correct answers?

Which kinds of punctuation are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses select the two correct answers?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich kinds of punctuation are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses select the two correct answers?

Answer Expert Verified Nonrestrictive elements in a sentence are set off using commas, that I know for sure. I’m not completely certain about the remaining elements – perhaps dashes and maybe parentheses can also be used.

Q. What types of punctuation can be used to set off nonrestrictive elements in a sentence check all that apply?

Answer Expert Verified. Restrictive elements should be set off by punctuation since they can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. You could use commas, dashes and parentheses. You could use commas in non-restrictive clauses, as in a.

Q. When separating items in a list writer should?

When separating items in a list, a writer should 1)end the list with a colon. 2)separate the items with colons. 3)add a comma after the “and” before the last item. 4)add a comma before the “and” before the last item.

Q. What is the correct way to punctuate the sentence?

How to punctuate

  • Separate danglers with a comma.
  • If you can, use a period instead of a comma.
  • In a list, use a comma before the final “and”
  • Use a comma before introducing a question.
  • Don’t use a comma to represent vocal pauses.
  • Don’t use ellipses.
  • Avoid semicolons.
  • Only use colons for standalone sentences.

Q. When items in a list already contain commas The writer should?

When items in a list already contain commas, the writer should separate the items in the list using colon, semicolon, or a dash.

Q. Which best describes the punctuation error in the sentence?

The answer to your question would be that what best describes the punctuation error in the sentence is that a comma should be placed after “this weekend”. The use of the comma shown in the sentence is the Oxford comma.

Q. How should the writer revise the punctuation in the sentence?

How should the writer revise the punctuation in the sentence so that it is grammatically correct? Insert commas around “which the teacher assigned” because it is a nonrestrictive element. A is used to connect words or word parts. Read the sentence.

Q. Which best explains why the colon after including should be removed quizlet?

Which best explains why the colon after “including” should be removed? The colon does not introduce a list of items and is therefore unnecessary. Colons are only used to introduce lists composed of more than three items.

Q. How should the writer Punctuate the underlined nonrestrictive clause in order to emphasize it?

Answer Expert Verified. The writer should punctuate the underlined nonrestrictive clause in order to emphasize it as it in D: My brother —who is a superb actor —will audition tomorrow for a film role. Nonrestrictive clauses can be offset with commas, parentheses and dashes.

Q. How should the writer revise the punctuation in the sentence so that it is grammatically correct Brainly?

The answer to your question would be that the writer should revise the punctuation in the sentence for it to be grammatically correct in the following way: The entire first period class agreed that yesterday’s algebra homework, which the teacher assigned, was a really fun challenge.

Q. Where in the sentence should the writer add a hyphen I spend about half my time?

I spend about half my time, he spends about two-thirds of his time, and she spends a quarter, or maybe a third, of her time on research. The hyphen is placed between the words that are describing a fractional number, as it is a single idea.

Q. Which sentence contains a split infinitive?

The sentence that contains a split infinitive is the one that reads “swimmers must be sure to completely follow all of the team guidelines”. Split infinitives happen when you put an adverb between the infinitive particle to and the verb.

Q. What is the impact of punctuation?

Punctuation aids the reader in understanding the writer’s intended message. Sometimes the use of punctuation (like end marks) makes it easier to read and comprehend writer ideas. But some marks can completely change the intended meaning.

Q. What punctuation is used after an introductory word or phrase?


Q. What are introductory words examples?

On a paragraph level, these words and phrases are used to connect large ideas. However, on a sentence level, these words and phrases are also considered to be introductory. Examples: However, On the other hand, Furthermore, Therefore, Thereafter, Consequently, Next, Finally, In conclusion, For example, Ultimately, etc.

Q. What is an example of an introductory element?

Introductory clauses are dependent clauses that provide background information or “set the stage” for the main part of the sentence, the independent clause. For example: Introductory clauses start with adverbs like after, although, as, because, before, if, since, though, until, when, etc.

Q. What is an example of an introductory phrase?

Phrases are commonly used as introductions to a sentence. Words like ‘however,’ ‘indeed,’ ‘therefore;’ phrases like ‘on the one hand,’ ‘in particular,’ ‘for example,’ and ‘in the meantime’ are examples of introductory language that ought to be concluded with a comma when they begin a sentence.

Q. How do you write an introductory sentence?


  1. Attract the Reader’s Attention. Begin your introduction with a “hook” that grabs your reader’s attention and introduces the general topic.
  2. State Your Focused Topic. After your “hook”, write a sentence or two about the specific focus of your paper.
  3. State your Thesis. Finally, include your thesis statement.

Q. What is a good introduction sentence?

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order: An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

Q. What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

Q. What are introductory sentences?

Introductory sentences are general sentences that open paragraphs and precede the topic sentence. They provide background about the topic or main idea. Unlike topic sentences, introductory sentences are not developed throughout the paragraph.

Q. What is a introductory paragraph?

The introductory paragraph, or opening paragraph, is the first paragraph of your essay. It introduces the main idea of your essay, captures the interest of your readers, and tells why your topic is important.

Q. How do you write a first sentence?

How to write a good opening line:

  1. Full stops are your friends. Short, clear sentences will grab your readers’ attention.
  2. Use language that will add weight to your sentences.
  3. Use your verbs correctly, and your adjectives sparingly.
  4. Opening lines don’t have to be loud, subtlety is just as effective.

Q. What is the first sentence of an introduction called?


Q. What are the 5 parts of an introduction?

The introduction has five important responsibilities: get the audience ‘s attention, introduce the topic, explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or purpose, and outline the main points.

Q. What are the 3 parts of an introduction?

In an essay, the introduction, which can be one or two paragraphs, introduces the topic. There are three parts to an introduction: the opening statement, the supporting sentences, and the introductory topic sentence.

Q. What are 3 parts of a conclusion?

Key Takeaways. An effective conclusion contains three basic parts: a restatement of the speech’s thesis; a review of the main points discussed within the speech; and a concluding device that helps create a lasting image in audiences’ minds.

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Which kinds of punctuation are used to set off nonrestrictive clauses select the two correct answers?.
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