Which invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast paced travel *?

Which invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast paced travel *?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast paced travel *?

US History Chapter 14: The North and The South

Q. What was formed by nativists in 1849?

A growing sense of “us” and “them” gave rise to a movement called nativism. In 1849, a group of native-born Protestants in New York City formed the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner.

Q. Which invention ensured that raising wheat would remain the main economic activity in the Midwestern prairies multiple choice question?

Why did raising wheat become a main economic activity of the Midwest? The thresher separated grain from the stalk. John Deere invented the steel plow. Cash crops were raised strictly for sale.

telegraphWhich invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast-paced travel?
mechanical reaperWhich invention ensured that raising wheat would remain the main economic activity in the Midwestern prairies?

Q. What did workers do to improve their working condition?

Exemplary Answer: In the late 1800s, workers organized unions to solve their problems. Their problems were low wages and unsafe working conditions. First, workers formed local unions in single factories. These unions used strikes to try to force employers to increase wages or make working conditions safer.

Q. Which country was richest before industrial revolution?

The Netherlands was one of the richest countries in the world; only Britain was clearly ahead according to the Maddison data set, whereas Java may have been more or less representative for South-East Asia.

Q. How long has there been a gap between the rich and poor?

7,000 years

Q. Did capitalism cause the industrial revolution?

The emergence of capitalism was vitally important to the start of industrialization and the Industrial Revolution. ​Capitalism caused the Industrial Revolution because industrialization required significant work and investment from individuals and not necessarily the government.

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Which invention filled the need for a method of communication that kept up with the industrial growth and fast paced travel *?.
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