Which instructions are used to bring data to and from the registers?

Which instructions are used to bring data to and from the registers?

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6. The instruction that pushes the contents of the specified register/memory location on to the stack is a) PUSHF b) POPF c) PUSH d) POP Answer: c Explanation: Since PUSH operation transfers data to stack from register or memory location.

Q. Which instruction can be used to add content of given register with content of accumulator?

8085 Arithmetic Instructions

ADCR MAdd register to the accumulator with carry
ADI8-bit dataAdd the immediate to the accumulator
ACI8-bit dataAdd the immediate to the accumulator with carry
LXIReg. pair, 16bit dataLoad the register pair immediate

Q. Which instruction is used to add the data?

Arithmetic Group

Instruction SetExplanationFlags
ADI data [A] ← [A] + dataAdd immediate data to accumulatorAll
ACI data [A] ← [A] + data + [CS]Add with carry immediate data to accumulatorAll
DAD rp [H-L] ←[H-L] + [rp]Add register paid to H-L pairCS
SUB r [A] ←[A]-[r]Subtract register from accumulatorAll

Q. Which instruction is used to check the status of accumulator register?

Condition code register bits. (A) Bit functions and (B) branch instructions. The 8 bits in the accumulator are all zeros, but the carry bit being set to a 1 (high) indicates that the result is actually not 0, but 256. Such a condition can be checked by examining the CC register carry bit for a 1.

Q. What is the difference between accumulator and register?

It’s is used to store information which is immediately needed by the processor. Processors are very fast & only register memory can match their speeds. Therefore all the information to & from the processor goes via registers. Accumulator is a register which stores the intermediate results for large computations.

Q. What is the purpose of accumulator register?

An accumulator is a register for short-term, intermediate storage of arithmetic and logic data in a computer’s CPU (central processing unit).

Q. What is the purpose of general register?

The general purpose registers are used to store temporary data in the time of different operations in microprocessor. 8086 has eight general purpose registers. This is the accumulator. It is 16-bit registers, but it is divided into two 8-bit registers.

Q. Which one of the following is known as the accumulator register?

Register A is quite often called as an Accumulator. An accumulator is a register for short-term, intermediate storage of arithmetic and logic data in a computer’s CPU (Central Processing Unit). In an arithmetic operation involving two operands, one operand has tobe in this register….Accumulator or Register A in 8085 Microprocessor.


Q. What is a register and its types?

A register is a temporary storage area built into a CPU. Most modern CPU architectures include both types of registers. Internal registers include the instruction register (IR), memory buffer register (MBR), memory data register (MDR), and memory address register (MAR).

Q. How does a register work?

Registers are temporary storage areas for instructions or data. Registers work under the direction of the control unit to accept, hold, and transfer instructions or data and perform arithmetic or logical comparisons at high speed.

Q. What are the two major categories for register?

The two main categories of processor registers are shown below: Memory Address Register (MAR). Memory Buffer Register (MBR).

Q. Which are the four categories of register?

9 . Which are the four categories of registers:

  • General‐ purpose register.
  • Pointer or index registers.
  • Segment registers.
  • Other register.
  • All of these.

Q. Is register a memory?

Registers are the smallest data holding elements that are built into the processor itself. These are the memory locations that are directly accessible by the processor….Difference between Register and Memory :

2.Register holds the small amount of data around 32-bits to 64-bits.Memory of the computer can range from some GB to TB.
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Which instructions are used to bring data to and from the registers?.
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