Which Indian tribe is the wealthiest?

Which Indian tribe is the wealthiest?

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Shakopee Mdewakanton

Q. Which element features prominently in the Apache myth but not in the Blackfeet myth Earthwindwaterfire?

not In the Blackfeet myth, people are created by the Sun; in the Apache myth, people are created by animals.

Q. What is the story of Napi?

Napi is the supernatural trickster of the Blackfoot. In this particular story everybody knew Napi had cheated someone out of the nice buffalo robe he was wearing as he trekked northward with his pal Coyote. Napi began to think he should have kept his robe. He tells Coyote to run back and take the robe from the Rock.

Q. Where did the Blackfoot tribe live?

Originally the Blackfeet lived in the Saskatchewan River Valley of Saskatchewan, Canada, and the upper plains of the United States. By 1850 the tribe had moved to the Rocky Mountains and Missouri River areas.

Q. What is a 5 dollar Indian?

It may be fashionable to play Indian now, but it was also trendy 125 years ago when people paid $5 apiece for falsified documents declaring them Native on the Dawes Rolls. These so-called five-dollar Indians paid government agents under the table in order to reap the benefits that came with having Indian blood.

Q. Do you get money if you are Native American?

No money is given directly to individuals or families, but it must be used to provide increased access to quality housing for them. Low-income Native Americans get some money directly to improve their living conditions on reservations or other tribal land areas.

Q. What is the smallest Native American tribe?

The Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians is a federally recognized Cahuilla band of Native Americans based in Coachella, California. They are one of the smallest tribal nations in the United States, consisting of only eight members, only one of whom is an adult.

Q. What are the six Native American tribes?

The resulting confederacy, whose governing Great Council of 50 peace chiefs, or sachems (hodiyahnehsonh), still meets in a longhouse, is made up of six nations: the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.

Q. How many Native American tribes are not federally recognized?


Q. What was the original name for America?


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