Which electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?

Which electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?


Q. Which wave has lowest frequency?

Radio waves

Q. Which electromagnetic has lowest energy?

Gamma rays

Q. Which of the colors has the highest frequency and energy?

Q. Which photon is more energetic yellow or green?

So, higher the frequency, higher the energy. Hence, green light has more energy than red light.

Q. Which Colour photon is more energetic?

Since frequency of violet light is more than that of red light, i.e., vviolet>vred and energy of a photon = hv. So photon of violet light is more energetic than that of red light.

Q. Why do we see red sunsets?

At sunrise and sunset, the Sun is very low in the sky, which means that the sunlight we see has travelled through a much thicker amount of atmosphere. The shorter wavelength blue light is scattered further, as the sunlight passes over a greater distance, and we see the longer wavelength yellow and red light.

Q. What does a pink sunset mean?

When we see a red sky at night, this means that the setting sun is sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles. Pink sky means clouds (I.e. Moisture). Clouds in the west (pink at night) are generally moving away from you, clouds in the east (pink in the morning) are moving towards you.

Q. Why evening sky is red?

The red colour in the sky at sunset (and sunrise) is due to an effect called Rayleigh scattering. This means the a large amount of blue and violet light has been scattered so the light that is recieved by an observer is mostly of a longer wavelength and therefore appears to be red.

Q. Is Red Sky at Night true?

“Red sky at night, shepherds delight” can often be proven true, since red sky at night means fair weather is generally headed towards you. A red sky at sunset means high pressure is moving in from the west, so therefore the next day will usually be dry and pleasant.

Q. Why there is light on Earth but not in space?

Originally Answered: If the Sun is in space …why there is light on Earth but not in space? It is because Earth has atmosphere..!! The earth contains atmosphere which contains molecules, particles in it. When light coming from the outside source to the earth strikes these particles, it is scattered.

Q. What do astronauts do 16 times a day?

A: The space station travels through space at 17,500 miles per hour at an altitude of about 220 miles. We orbit the Earth about once every 90 minutes. During the orbit of the Earth we are in daylight for about 45 minutes and darkness for about 45 minutes. That means the sun will rise and set 16 times a day.

Q. Is there air on the moon?

The Moon doesn’t have an atmosphere or air for humans to breathe. But its surface – which is covered by a substance called lunar regolith (Moon dust!) – is almost 50% oxygen.

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Which electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?.
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