Which contains more heat group of answer choices a bathtub of room temperature water a coffee cup of boiling water?

Which contains more heat group of answer choices a bathtub of room temperature water a coffee cup of boiling water?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich contains more heat group of answer choices a bathtub of room temperature water a coffee cup of boiling water?

1 Answer. I would say the bathtub because of its bigger mass of water.

Q. Does 4 cups of boiling water have the same thermal energy as 2 cups of boiling water?

Conclusion: They do NOT have the same heat content. Since water in the two cups is at the same temperature, the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the cups is the same; however, the 12 ounce cup has twice as many molecules when compared with the 6 ounce cup and thus has the greater total motion or heat energy.

Q. Which has a higher temperature a swimming pool of boiling water or a coffee cup of boiling water?

We measure temperature using a thermometer. Let’s look at two examples to see the difference between heat and temperature. Example 1: A swimming pool at 30°C is at a lower temperature than a cup of coffee at 80°C. But the swimming pool contains more water, so it stores more thermal energy than the cup of coffee.

Q. Will your body possess energy after you die if so what kind?

Your body possesses chemical potential energy, which is the potential energy found within the atoms and molecules of your tissues. Your body possesses no energy after you die because it cannot move on its own.

Q. Does more water mean more thermal energy?

However, temperature is the average kinetic energy of particles of matter, whereas thermal energy is the total kinetic energy of particles of matter. Although the water in the tub has a much lower temperature, it has greater thermal energy.

Q. What has the least thermal energy?


Q. Which has more heat coffee or swimming pool?

If we have a swimming pool at 35 deg Celsius, and a cup of coffee at 80 deg Celsius, the pool has more thermal energy. This is because there is much more water in the pool than the coffee.

Q. How does size affect thermal energy?

Thermal energy is the sum of the energy of all of the particles. That means that large objects at a lower temperature (with slower moving particles) can have more energy than small objects with high temperatures (faster moving particles).

Q. What type of energy is a slice of pizza?

What type of energy does each of the examples contain?

a deer running through the forestkinetic energy
a burning campfirethermal and radiant energy
a cup of hot teathermal
a slice of pizzachemical

Q. How much energy is in a pizza?

One cheese and tomato pizza can contain around 660 calories. Eating one large slice would give you 165 calories.

Q. Which food has the most stored energy?

Foods rich in sugars and other carbohydrates, proteins, and fats have the most energy. They include meat, fish, cheese, milk, and grain products.

Q. Can you create energy?

First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another.

Q. Can you create energy from nothing?

The law of energy conservation cannot be outwitted Even if the matter is somewhat more complicated than previously thought, energy cannot be obtained from nothing, even though it can become negative.

Q. What is the difference between usable and unusable energy?

Over time, usable energy will eventually give way to unusable energy. While energy cannot be created or destroyed according to the First Law, it can change form a useful state to a less-useful state, like thermal energy (heat).

Q. What is stored energy called?

Potential energy is stored energy and the energy of position. Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of chemical energy.

Q. What are the energy laws?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it’s added from the outside.

Q. What are the 4 energy types?

The different types of energy include thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational energy.

Q. What are the most common forms of energy?

Although there are many specific types of energy, the two major forms are Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.

  • Kinetic energy is the energy in moving objects or mass. Examples include mechanical energy, electrical energy etc.
  • Potential energy is any form of energy that has stored potential that can be put to future use.

Q. Which one suits the law of energy?

In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time.

Q. Who said energy Cannot be created or destroyed?

Albert Einstein

Q. What is the energy of motion?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. All moving objects have kinetic energy.

Q. What does an energy lawyer do?

Energy law attorneys specialize in the energy business and work with power companies, municipal utilities, and all manner of energy producers. Much of their work involves compliance, or making sure energy companies and other involved parties are following the proper laws and regulations.

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Which contains more heat group of answer choices a bathtub of room temperature water a coffee cup of boiling water?.
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