Which configuration is more stable?

Which configuration is more stable?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich configuration is more stable?

Half-filled and fully-filled degenerate orbitals are more stable.

Q. Does a shell have to contain electrons to exist?

One electron can be boosted to many different energy levels. (A shell is just a conceptual model; hence; it doesn t really exist with or without the electron,A shell is just a region of space which may or may not contain electrons,A shell is a form of energy that requires electrons in order to exist.)

Q. Which electron configuration is most stable?

noble gas

Q. Which is the most stable conformation?


Q. Which Shell has the most energy?

valance shell

Q. Why does Period 3 contain only 8 elements?

The third shell of a atom has a capacity to accommodate 8 or 18 electrons. Thereby in other words, 3rd shell of an atom can hold only 8 electrons when it is the last shell. This is the reason 3rd period of periodic table has only 8 elements and not 18.

Q. Why does the third period contain 8 elements not 18?

According to the 2n2 rule, the maximum number of electrons in the third period = 2 x (3)2 = 18. But, the last shell cannot accommodate more than 8 electrons so, the number of electrons in third period is 8. Hence, the number of elements is also 8.

Q. Why are the shells named KLMN?

He named the innermost shell has k shell because he noticed that the X-rays emitted two types energies. These energies were named as type A that is higher energy X-ray and type B that is lower energy X-ray. He noticed that K type X-rays emitted the highest energy. Therefore, he named the innermost shell as the K shell.

Q. What is KLMN and SPDF?

K denotes the first shell (or energy level), L the second shell, M, the third shell, and so on. In other words, the KLMN(OP) notation only indicates the number of electrons an atom has with each principal quantum number (n). The SPDF notation subdivides each shell into its subshells. The L shell also has an s subshell.

Q. What is after KLMN shell?

As it turns out, the K type X-ray is the highest energy X-ray an atom can emit. It is produced when an electron in the innermost shell is knocked free and then recaptured. This innermost shell is now called the K-shell, after the label used for the X-ray.

Q. Is the K shell full?

K shell is full because the K shell can only hold 2 electrons, so the next electron must be positioned in the next energy level (next shell).

Q. What is the L shell?

: the second innermost shell of electrons surrounding an atomic nucleus — compare k-shell , m-shell.

Q. Why L Shell has more energy than K shell?

L shell has higher energy because according to Bohr’s theory the shell which is closer to nucleus has lower energy and the shell which is away from the nucleus has higher energy. K is closer to nucleus. So it has lower energy than L-shell.

Q. What is the value of K shell?

According to Neil Bohr’s formula, the value of ‘n’ keeps on increasing for successive shells. In K shell n=1 and the number of electrons is 2. In L shell n=2 and the number of electrons is 8. In M shell n=3 and the number of electrons is 18.

Q. What is the energy of shell?

Energy levels (also called electron shells) are fixed distances from the nucleus of an atom where electrons may be found. Electrons are tiny, negatively charged particles in an atom that move around the positive nucleus at the center. Energy levels are a little like the steps of a staircase.

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