Which condition leads to slower rate of weathering?

Which condition leads to slower rate of weathering?

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temperature conditions

Q. Which describe the effects of climate on the rate of weathering?

Which describe the effects of climate on the rate of weathering? Cold climates favor mechanical weathering. Chemical reactions occur faster at higher temperatures. Lower precipitation levels lead to more chemical reactions.

The current understanding is that Earth’s climate is controlled over periods of millions of years by a natural thermostat related to the weathering of rocks. And a warmer Earth increases the rate of chemical weathering both by causing more rainfall and by speeding up the chemical reactions between rainwater and rock.

Q. How does climate influence the rate of weathering of Earth materials quizlet?

How does climate affect the rate of weathering? Some climates such as warm, humid climates will cause rocks to weather faster. weathered it can increase the surface area of the rock. This means that more of the rock is exposed to chemical weathering.

Q. Is freeze/thaw an example of physical weathering?

There are two main types of physical weathering: Freeze-thaw occurs when water continually seeps into cracks, freezes and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart. Exfoliation occurs as cracks develop parallel to the land surface a consequence of the reduction in pressure during uplift and erosion.

Q. Which is one factor of rock types that affects the rate of weathering?

Rainfall and temperature can affect the rate in which rocks weather. High temperatures and greater rainfall increase the rate of chemical weathering. 2. Rocks in tropical regions exposed to abundant rainfall and hot temperatures weather much faster than similar rocks residing in cold, dry regions.

Q. Which is one factor of rock types that affects the rate of weathering quizlet?

What are two factors that affect the rate of weathering? The most important factors that determine the rate at which weathering occurs are the type of rock and the climate. A granite monument is placed outside for 200 years in a region with a cool, dry climate.

Q. How do rock types contribute to the rate of weathering porous minerals Weather faster?

The correct answer is that porous minerals weather faster. The process of weathering alter and disintegrates the rocks and minerals closer to or at the surface of the Earth. This process shapes the Earth’s surface. This confrontation relies on the mineral composition and mineral porosity.

Q. What are two climate factors that affect the rate of soil formation?

The influence of climate is due to basically two factors: temperature and rainfall. Climate indirectly affects soil formation through its influence on organisms as well. High temperatures and rainfall increase the degree of weathering and therefore the extent of soil development.

Q. Is the most important factor in soil formation?

Climate: This is probably the most important factor that can shape the formation of soils. Two important climatic components, temperature and precipitation are key. They determine how quickly weathering will be, and what kind of organic materials may be available on and inside of the soils.

Q. Which factor does not affect soil formation?

Answer. Soil texture does not affect the soil formation. EXPLANATION: Time, organic matter and climate are all important factors that affect soil formation.

Q. Which increases the rate of soil formation Brainly?

Answer: Increased temperature increases the rate of chemical reactions, which also increases soil formation. In warmer regions, plants and bacteria grow faster, which helps to weather material and produce soils.

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Which condition leads to slower rate of weathering?.
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