Which compound has greatest lattice energy?

Which compound has greatest lattice energy?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich compound has greatest lattice energy?

Sodium fluoride

Q. How do you compare lattice energy?

Lattice energy cannot be measured empirically, but it can be calculated using electrostatics or estimated using the Born-Haber cycle. Two main factors that contribute to the magnitude of the lattice energy are the charge and radius of the bonded ions.

Q. What does the shape of a crystal lattice tell you about the atoms in an ionic compound?

Properties of Ionic Compounds They all form crystals. A crystal is made up of an orderly and symmetrical pattern of atoms called a crystal lattice. The crystal lattice shape is an arrangement that takes the least amount of energy to maintain. This is due to the strength of the ionic bond.

Q. How do you find the lattice energy of a crystal?

Lattice energies cannot be measured directly but are obtained from a thermochemical cycle called the Born–Haber cycle, in which Hess’s law is used to calculate the lattice energy from the measured enthalpy of formation of the ionic compound, along with other thermochemical data.

Q. Which of the following ionic compounds has the largest lattice energy?


Q. Which compound possesses the greatest lattice energy?

Among the halides of lithium, LiF has highest lattice energy due to similar sizes of cation and anion which results in efficient packing in the crystal structure.

Q. Which compound has the smallest lattice energy?

The lattice energies for the alkali metal halides is therefore largest for LiF and smallest for CsI, as shown in the table below.

Q. What is the lattice energy of LiCl?

Lattice Energy


Q. What is the lattice energy of li2o?

The lattice energy for lithium oxide is +1872 kJ.

Q. How do you calculate lattice?

Calculate the lattice constant, a, of the cubic unit cell. If the space lattice is SC, the lattice constant is given by the formula a = [2 x r]. For example, the lattice constant of the SC-crystallized polonium is [2 x 0.167 nm], or 0.334 nm.

Q. What is the lattice energy of BaSO4?

(a) Use the known lattice energies for CasO4, 2653 kJ mol-1, SrSO4,-2603 kJ mol-, and BaSO4,2423 kJ mol-1, along with data from Tables 2.1 and 4.1, to compute the hydration energy of the sulfate ion.

Q. What is the magnitude of the lattice energy for CsCl?

633 kJ/mol

Q. How do you find the lattice energy of CsCl?

Estimate the lattice energy using a Born-Haber cycle.

  1. Cs(s) + ½ Cl2(g) → CsCl(s) ΔHf° = –433 kJ/mole.
  2. Cs(s) → Cs(g) S = 79 kJ/mole.
  3. Cs(g) → Cs+(g) + e– IE = 375 kJ/mole.
  4. ½ Cl2(g) → Cl(g) ½BDE = ½×242 = 121 kJ/mole.
  5. Cl(g) + e– → Cl–(g) EA = 349 kJ/mole.
  6. Cs+(g) + Cl–(g) → CsCl(s) Elat

Q. Which salt has the most lattice energy?

fluoride salt

Q. Which has higher lattice energy CaF2 or CAO?

Cao. Caci2. CaF2 O Cas has the largest lattice energy & CaF2 has the lowest lattice energy e CaS has the largest lattice energy & CaCl2 has the lowest lattice energy O Cao has the largest lattice energy & CaF2 has the lowest lattice energy Cao has the largest lattice energy.

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