Which answer identifies the climax of thank you M am Mrs Jones admits that she too has made mistakes she regrets Mrs Jones walks home alone at night Roger is unable to even say thank you at the end of the story Mrs?

Which answer identifies the climax of thank you M am Mrs Jones admits that she too has made mistakes she regrets Mrs Jones walks home alone at night Roger is unable to even say thank you at the end of the story Mrs?

HomeArticles, FAQWhich answer identifies the climax of thank you M am Mrs Jones admits that she too has made mistakes she regrets Mrs Jones walks home alone at night Roger is unable to even say thank you at the end of the story Mrs?

Explanation: In this story, we meet two characters: Roger and Mrs. The climax of the story comes when Mrs. Jones offers that understanding and admits that she has also made mistakes that she regrets.

Q. Which of the following events is part of the rising action in thank you M am?

In “Thank You M’am,” the rising action happens after the exposition (the initial description of the setting of the story) when Roger tries to steal Mrs. Jones’s purse. The rising action, therefore, happens when Mrs. Jones takes hold of Roger and drags him back to her house.

Q. What is the falling action in the story thank you ma am?

The falling action occurs when Mrs. Jones and Roger eat their food and are about to say good-bye to each other. Finally, the resolution occurs when Mrs. Jones gives Roger the money for the blue-suede shoes he wants, which was his motive for trying to steal Mrs.

Q. What does Rogers dirty face symbolize in thank you ma am?

Roger’s dirty face in “Thank You, M’am” symbolizes the poverty and neglect that characterizes his life. It’s clear from his dirty face that either Roger doesn’t care about keeping himself clean or his parents haven’t taught him how important it is.

Q. What does Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones do when she first meets the boy to establish herself as the stronger of the two?

Luella Bates Washington Jones do when she first meets the boy to establish herself as the stronger of the two? She robs the young boy. She kicks him “right square in his blue-jeans sitter.”

Q. Why is Roger scared at first in Mrs Jones’s home?

In “Thank You, M’am,” why is Roger scared at first in Mrs. Jones’s home? He fears that Mrs. Jones will turn him over to the police.

Q. Would most people be as forgiving as Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones in this situation?

No, according to my opinion, most people would not be as forgiving as Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. If Roger had been caught stealing by some other person, he would have faced heavy punishment. Most people would not forgive Roger as many of us are not sympathetic and composed during such situations.

Q. Is Mrs Jones really rich?

Jones is not rich. This is demonstrated in the simple way she lives. Although Mrs. Jones does give Roger the money for the shoes, it is not because she is rich.

Q. Why did Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones choose to help Roger?

Jones was a descent and caring person, she decided to help Roger change the course of events he had put himself on by turning to robbery to get the things that he wants. When he attempted to rob her, rather than treat him as the thief he tried to be, she stepped into a parental role…

Q. What reason does Roger give for action?

Q. What reason does Roger give for his action? He is out for kicks. He wants a new bicycle.

Q. Why does Mrs Jones give Roger money at the end of the story?

She assumes that Roger wants money so that he can buy food and when he reveals that he actually wants to buy a pair of blue suede shoes she is not angry but remembers when she “wanted things I could not get.” Mrs Jones gives Roger the $10 so that he doesn’t steal it from someone else and to perhaps give him an …

Q. What did Roger learn from the way Mrs Jones treated him?

Young Roger has learned (1) to respect people and their property, and he has learned that (2) there are people who are genuinely concerned about the welfare of others. (1) When Roger attempts to steal her purse away from Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, he thinks selfishly only of his own gain.

Q. What does Roger do when Mrs Jones leaves him alone with her purse?

Mrs. Jones decides not to contact the authorities, she drags him back to her room in the boarding house. With her immediate actions, she shows Roger an inkling of trust. When they arrive back in the room, she places her purse on the day-bed in plain sight and instructs Roger to wash up.

Q. What is Mrs Jones trying to tell Roger when she says everybody’s got something in common?

Jones mean when she said… “I have done things too, which I will not tell you son… everybody’s got something in common.” ? She also stole things when she was younger. She wants to keep her life a secret from Roger.

Q. What did Roger say when he tried to steal Mrs Jones pocketbook?

Jones’s purse in “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes? Roger tried to steal Mrs. Jones’s purse in “Thank You, M’am” to acquire enough money to purchase a pair of blue suede shoes.

Q. What did Mrs Bates warn Roger?

Ans) Mrs. Bates warned Roger not to steal things by dishonest means.

Q. What does she say she would teach Roger if he were her son?

She ponders that if he were her son, she would teach him the difference between right and wrong. She also wants Roger to understand that just because he wants something does not mean he should just steal from others.

Q. Why does Mrs Jones make Roger wash his face?

Jones makes Roger wash his face in order to help instill in him a sense of pride and self-worth. In this story, Mrs. Jones is clearly trying to reform Roger by making him respect himself. After she initially kicks and shakes him, she stops trying to punish him much and instead tries to rehabilitate him.

Q. How does Roger show that he can be trusted?

Roger sits and eats with her, proving she can trust him. In the end, she rewards his trustworthy behavior by handing him the money he meant to steal.

Q. Why does Roger offer to get milk for Mrs Jones?

Why does Roger offer to go to the store for Mrs. Jones? He wants to show her that he is a good person and can be trusted.

Q. Did Mrs Jones make the right decision in taking Roger to her home?

Jones allows Roger to wash up and prepares a meal for him. During their conversation, Mrs. Jones says that she was young once and remembers what it was like to not have the things she wanted. She also admits to making wrong choices but does not judge Roger by his regrettable actions.

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Which answer identifies the climax of thank you M am Mrs Jones admits that she too has made mistakes she regrets Mrs Jones walks home alone at night Roger is unable to even say thank you at the end of the story Mrs?.
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