Where is Mediterranean forest located?

Where is Mediterranean forest located?

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Mediterranean forests are found in the Mediterranean basin, California, the South African Cape Province, South and southwestern Australia and parts of Central Chile.

Q. What are the features of Mediterranean forest?


  • The forest consists of many species of pine ,oak and cedar.
  • Contain both thick shrubs and long grasses.
  • Trees are fully grown with broad leaves.
  • Forest ecosystem is specific and defined by Mediterranean climate which is sometimes hot and dry ,cold and wet and sometimes brutal rainfall .

Q. Which of the following trees is found in the Mediterranean region?

Forest: Mediterranean forests are generally composed of broadleaf trees, such as the oak and mixed sclerophyll forests of California and the Mediterranean region, the Eucalyptus forests of Southwest Australia, and the Nothofagus forests of central Chile.

Q. Why Mediterranean region is known as fruit basket?

Mediterranean regions are known as the ‘orchards of the world’ because of their fruit cultivation. The trees in this region adapt themselves to the dry summers with the help of their thick barks and wax coated leaves which reduce transpiration. These regions experience dry summers and mild rainy winters.

Q. Which of the following is not a feature of Mediterranean forest?

Answer. Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes are cultivated in this region is not a feature of the Mediterranean climate and vegetation.

Q. What is the wildlife of Mediterranean region?

There are about 299 species of terrestrial reptiles, including five freshwater species and four marine species, of which almost 40 percent are endemic. The reptile fauna of the Mediterranean Basin includes snakes, lizards, tortoises and tropical relicts, including two species of chameleon.

Q. What is the natural vegetation and wildlife of Mediterranean region?

Major plant communities in this biome include: Forest: Mediterranean forests are generally composed of broadleaf trees, such as the oak and mixed sclerophyll forests of California and the Mediterranean region, the Eucalyptus forests of Southwest Australia, and the Nothofagus forests of central Chile.

Q. What plants are found in Mediterranean climate?

The resulting plant life of the Mediterranean biome is mainly scrub, made up of flowering shrubs and some small evergreen trees, such as cork oak. Conifers like pine and cedar grow to no more than three or four metres in height in this hot dry place.

Q. What plants grow in Mediterranean climate?

Aromatic plants like thyme, lavender, rosemary and mint are further staples of Mediterranean gardens. Ornamental flowering plants are another good choice: daisies, carnations and roses will give your garden a touch of colour.

Q. What is the weather like in the Mediterranean in May?

Early May temperatures in the eastern Mediterranean are comparable to the rest of the region, with Athens, Cyprus and Crete average lows of about 55 Fahrenheit. End-of-May highs hover around 80 in Greece and on the Turkish coast, but in Cairo the average high temperature in late May climbs to over 90 degrees.

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