When prices are low and availability is high consumption?

When prices are low and availability is high consumption?

HomeArticles, FAQWhen prices are low and availability is high consumption?

When prices are low and availability is high, consumption will increase. This is because when prices of things will be low then availability is also high and population will consume more due to low prices.

Q. What does not hinder agricultural production in China?

Which of the following does not hinder agricultural production in China? A. China does not have enough arable land. All of China’s arable land is limited to one region.

Q. Which of the following factors most often prohibits food from getting to those who need it in many underdeveloped countries?

ANSWER: “War and political corruption” often “prohibit food from getting to those who need” it in many “underdeveloped countries”.

Q. Which of the following factors most often prohibits food from getting?

War and political corruption most often prohibits food from getting to those who need it in many underdeveloped countries.

Q. Which if the following is negatively affected by both damming and deforestation?

greenhouse gas emissions. Biodiversity is negatively affected by both damming and deforestation.

Q. What are the three most agriculturally productive states?

The three most agriculturally productive states in the US are Texas, Florida, and Ohio.

Q. Which state has the most farmers?


Q. What is the biggest agricultural state?

California ranks first in the U.S. for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois. California ranks first in the United States for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois.

Q. What state is known for farming?

Texas had the most farms in the United States in 2020 followed by Missouri and Iowa. Texas had more farms than Missouri and Iowa combined. The United States had 2.019 million farms in 2012. Texas had the most farms in the United States in 2020 followed by Missouri and Iowa.

Q. Which state has the best farming soil?

Kentucky leads all states as it has plenty of fertile land, ranking high in prevalence categories such as farms per state area and the share of family-owned farms.

Q. What state has the cheapest farmland?

Tennessee, Arkansas, and West Virginia consistently rank as the cheapest places to buy residential land. Tennessee offers diverse geography, from mountains and lakes to acres of rural flat ground, and of course the iconic landmarks and attractions like Graceland and Nashville, the heart of country music.

Q. What climate is best for farming?

Mediterranean climate

Q. What state is best for growing crops?

California is by far the dominant US produce-growing state—source of (large PDF) 81 percent of US-grown carrots, 95 percent of broccoli, 86 percent of cauliflower, 74 percent of raspberries, 91 percent of strawberries, etc.

Q. What do plants need to grow How are these needs affected by climate?

Plants need air, warmth, sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. Climate determines the average temperature and precipitation, the length of the growing season, and the quality of the soil, including levels of soil nutrients.

Q. What climate zones have the highest crop yields Why?

The regions that have the most productive agricultural systems include Northern India because of its flat river valley plain; eastern China because of its temperature, climate, and regular rainfall; and southern Russia because of its excellent soil.

Q. What is the best climate for cotton?

Cotton is a plant that needs a long frost-free period, a lot of heat and plenty of sunshine. It prefers warm and humid climate. Cotton seeds will have a small germination rate, if the soil temperature is below 60°F (15°C). During active growth, the ideal air temperature is 70 to 100°F (21-37°C).

Q. What temperature does cotton grow in?

90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit

Q. At what temperature does cotton grow?

Cotton requires a minimum daily air temperature of 15 degrees C (60° F) for germination, 21-27 degrees C (70-80° F) for vegetative growth, and 27-32 degrees C (80-90° F) during the fruiting period.

Q. What are the conditions required for growing cotton?

Conditions required for Cotton cultivation Hard-frost is injurious to cotton cultivation and it requires at least 210 frost-free days. Only light-rainfall (50 to 100 centimetres) is preferred. Cotton can also be cultivated under irrigated conditions. It requires high temperature and bright sunshine for its growth.

Q. What type of soil and climate is suitable for cotton?

black soil or sand loan are the suitable soil for growing cotton. dry and non-rainy climate is suitable for cotton.

Q. What are the conditions required for growing desert cotton?


Q. Under what conditions does a cotton plant grow best how are cotton bolls harvested?

Cotton picking machines have spindles that pick (twist) the seed cotton from the burrs that are attached to plants’ stems. Doffers then remove the seed cotton from the spindles and knock the seed cotton into the conveying system. alternating bats and brushes to knock the open bolls from the plants into a conveyor.

Q. What type of soil does cotton grow in?

Cotton grows best in soil with a pH between 5.8 to 8.0. Yield decreases are usually not severe until the soil pH drops below 5.5 to 5.2 on sandy loam and silt loam soils respectively, or above 8.5 for western irrigated soils in the USA.

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When prices are low and availability is high consumption?.
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