When laws apply equally to all persons and that a certain set of fixed procedures need to be followed when a law is violated this is called?

When laws apply equally to all persons and that a certain set of fixed procedures need to be followed when a law is violated this is called?

HomeArticles, FAQWhen laws apply equally to all persons and that a certain set of fixed procedures need to be followed when a law is violated this is called?

In India we have the rule of law. Laws are applied equally to all persons and that a certain set of fixed procedures need to be followed when a law is violated. To enforce this rule of law, we have a judicial system that consists of the mechanism of courts that a citizen can approach when a law is violated.

Q. What is the difference between injury and damage?

Injury: a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack. Damage: physical harm that is done to something or to a part of someone’s body, so that it is broken or injured.

Q. What deals with any harm or injury to rights of individuals?

Answer: criminal law deals with any harm or injury to right of individuals.

Q. What is a legally recognizable injury?

The victim of the harm can recover his or her loss as damages in a lawsuit. In order to prevail, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, commonly referred to as the injured party, must prove that a breach of duty (i.e., either an action or lack of action) was the legally recognizable cause of the harm.

There are five types of legal system i.e. civil law; common law; customary law; religious law and mixed law….What are the types of Law in the Indian Legal System?

  • Criminal law. The Criminal law is enforced by the police.
  • Civil law. The Civil law is law that looks at actions that are not the crime.
  • Common law.
  • Statutory law.

Q. What are the four branches of law?

These are:

  • Common law.
  • Civil law.
  • Statutory requirement.
  • Criminal law.

Q. Does everyone have access to court?

Yes ,according to our constitution every citizen has right to justice through courts. Supreme court in 1980 made a PIL(public Interest litigation)so that poor can easily access the courts because in India it was difficult for poor people to access the court and seek justice.

Q. Does everyone in India have access to the courts?

In principle, all citizens of India can access the courts in this country. This implies that every citizen has a right to justice through the courts. If any citizen believes that their rights are being violated, then they can approach the court for justice to be done.

Q. Why do we need courts Class 8?

These courts are needed to uphold the ‘Rule of Law. ‘ Every person is equal in the eyes of law and if he / she violates the law, a particular set of fixed procedures has to be followed. Under this system, there is a mechanism of courts that people can approach if they come across cases of laws being violated.

Q. Why the courts are necessary?

The principal role of the judiciary is to protect rule of law and ensure supremacy of law. In order to be able to do all this, it is necessary that the judiciary is independent of any political pressures.

Q. What would happen if there were no courts?

What would happen if there were no federal courts? In short, you would likely be held in contempt of court, or a bench warrant would be issued for your arrest.

Q. What are subordinate courts Class 8?

There are two types of lower courts—civil and criminal courts. Some examples of subordinate courts are Senior Civil Judge Court and Junior Civil Judge Court for civil matters and Second Class Judicial Magistrate Court, First Class Judicial Magistrate Court and Chief Judicial Magistrate Court for criminal matters.

Q. What is the subordinate court?

Criminal Courts In each district of India there are various types of subordinate or lower courts. They are civil courts, criminal courts and revenue courts. These Courts hear civil cases, criminal cases and revenue cases, respectively.

Q. Which is the highest court at the state level?

The high court is the highest court at the state level. Each High Court has jurisdiction over a state, a union territory or a group of states and union territories. Below the High Courts is a hierarchy of subordinate courts such as the civil courts, family courts, criminal courts and various other district courts.

Q. Does everyone have access to the courts Class 8?

(i) In principle, all citizens of India can access the courts in this country. This implies that every citizen has a right to justice through the courts. (ii) Legal procedures involve a lot of money and paperwork which take up a lot of time. Poor people often avoid to go the court to get justice.

Q. Are the different levels of courts connected to each other?

Are these different levels of courts connected to each other? Yes, they are. In India, we have an integrated judicial system, meaning that the decisions made by higher courts are binding on the lower courts. Another way to understand this integration is through the appellate system that exists in India.

Q. What is the role of police in investigating a crime Class 8?

An important function of the police is to investigate any complaint about the commission of a crime. The investigation includes recording statements of witnesses and collecting different kinds of evidence. It is not the job of the police to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent, the judge has to decide this.

Q. Are the three different levels of court connected to each other how?

Answer. Each level of courtserves a different legal function for both civil and criminal cases. The judiciary system of India has various levels. At the apex is the supreme court, then the high court, followed by the state court, then districts,courts, lok adalats at villages and then panchayat levels.

Q. What are three levels of court?

The hierarchy of courts are as follows – 1) Supreme Court, 2) High Courts, & 3) District Courts (other courts are mostly considered as subsidiaries of these courts).

Q. Who gives the final judgment in the court?


Q. What are the 3 levels of the court?

The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system.

Q. Is federal court higher than Supreme Court?

Federal Courts. In addition to the state courts, there are also federal courts that handle federal cases that take place in California. The federal courts are similar in structure to state courts in California. The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in our country.

Q. What does it mean to appeal a conviction?

An appeal is a request to a higher (appellate) court to review and change the decision of a lower court. The defendant may challenge the conviction itself or the sentence (without attacking the underlying conviction).

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When laws apply equally to all persons and that a certain set of fixed procedures need to be followed when a law is violated this is called?.
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