When an electron beam is moving in a magnetic field?

When an electron beam is moving in a magnetic field?

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We have given that the electron beam is moving in a direction horizontally from east to west. And the direction of the magnetic field is downwards. The direction of the force will be perpendicular to both the directions. That is, it points toward the north direction.

Q. What is the direction of the force on the proton?

The force on each proton has a magnitude of . The direction of the force vector can be found using the “right hand rule”. The direction of the motion of the protons is to the right, and so imagine your right index finger pointed in that direction.

Q. What will be the direction of current as electron beam enters from left to right and magnetic field is into the field as shown in diagram?

Electron beam enters from left to right whereas the direction of current is from right to left and the magnetic field is into the page. Therefore, according to Fleming’s left hand rule, force is perpendicular to the flow of current and on its left side. Hence, electron beam deflects towards bottom of the page.

Q. How will a fine beam of electrons streaming?

Answer. Answer: since the electrons are moving west to east this supplies the Fleming’s left hand rule the direction of current is opposite to that of the electrons flow it means the direction is downward.

Q. What will be the direction of deflection if any as the beam passes through the field?

Direction of current is from right to left as electron beam enters from left to right and magnetic field is into the page. So, according to Fleming’s left hand rule, force is perpendicular to the flow of current and in its left side. So, electron beam deflects towards bottom of the page.

Q. Why the electron beam deflected between the plate?

With a voltage connected to the plates, the electrons experience a vertical force. The constant vertical force causes the beam to follow a parabolic path. This will be increasingly curved as the deflecting voltage is increased.

Q. What is deflection formula?

Generally, deflection can be calculated by taking the double integral of the Bending Moment Equation, M(x) divided by EI (Young’s Modulus x Moment of Inertia).

Q. What is the maximum length of a beam?

The maximum beam size is 1016x305x487ub and the maximum span is 75m.

Q. What is maximum deflection?

Typically, the maximum deflection is limited to the beam’s span length divided by 250. Hence, a 5m span beam can deflect as much as 20mm without adverse effect.

Q. Where does the maximum deflection occur?

Maximum deflection occurs at the farthest point from the support. In the case of two support points it will be at the midpoint between them regardless of the location of the point loads. Where there are more than two supports then it will be at a midpoint between the section which has the most load.

Q. How much floor deflection is normal?

The L/360 standard means that the floor should not deflect more than the “span” divided by 360. If the span of the joists is 10 feet (between supports), then the deflection should not be more than 1/3″ between the center and the end.

Q. What causes deflection?

Different types of load can cause deflections. These include point loads, uniformly distributed loads, wind loads, shear loads as well as ground pressure and earthquakes, to name but a few. A structural element will deflect less under load if its stiffness or rigidity is increased.

Q. How do you control deflection?

There are several methods that can be adopted to reduce the slab and beam deflection.

  1. Increase the depth of the beams and slabs.
  2. Use alternative loading.
  3. Increase the tension reinforcements.
  4. Increase the compression reinforcements.
  5. Increase the width of the beam.
  6. Reduce the spans.
  7. Use prestressing.

Q. Is deflection the same as displacement?

1. Displacement is a vector quantity used to measure the position of a body due to external actions both rotational or translational applied to it. 2. Deflection is a scalar quantity used to measure the change in shape of a body due to rotational forces only (Moment/torsion).

Q. Is deflection a vector?

The displacement is a vector and is often in 2 or 3 directions. The deflection is in the z direction. The Deformation is deflection with distortion (shear deformation). Deflection is the distance that an object bends, twists from its original position.

Q. Is deflection the same as extension?

Whenever the mechanical spring is pulled tight or released, the resulting motion is deflection. Extension springs stretch when the load is applied, which means the deflection is the stretching or the compressing of the spring.

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