When a number is divided by itself the quotient is?

When a number is divided by itself the quotient is?

HomeArticles, FAQWhen a number is divided by itself the quotient is?

What is the quotient when you divide a number by itself? Dividing any number (except 0) by itself produces a quotient of 1. Also, any number divided by 1 produces a quotient of the number.

Q. How do you divide and verify?

Hence, division is correct….Let us consider some examples to verify the answer of division.

  1. Divide 38468 by 17 and verify the answer. Now let us verify the answer;
  2. Divide 58791 by 36 and verify the answer. Now let us verify the answer;
  3. Divide 94 by 3 and verify the answer.
  4. Divide 654 by 7 and verify the answer.

Q. Is Division repeated subtraction?

Repeated subtraction is a method of subtracting the equal number of items from a larger group. It is also known as division. If the same number is repeatedly subtracted from another larger number until the remainder is zero or a number smaller than the number being subtracted, we can write that in the form of division.

Q. When a number is divided by 1 the quotient is?

Hence, when any number is divided by 1, the quotient is the number itself.

Q. When a number is divided by itself the quotient is zero?

So, dividing zero by any non-zero number we get quotient 0. Therefore, to find the quotient using division property it’s important to know the properties for solving division when the; divisor is 1, divisor is same as dividend, divisor is 0 and dividend is 0.

Q. When a number is divided by itself?

Any number, except zero, divided by itself is 1.

Q. What is the quotient when 14k is divided by itself?

Answer. The quotient will ALWAYS be 1 if the number is divided by itself.

Q. When an integer is divided by itself the quotient is 1?

The quotient when the integer is divided by itself will be 1.

Q. What is the quotient of 64 1?

Thus, the answer to “What is 64 mod 1?” is 0.

Q. When a number is divided by 7 its remainder is always?

Description Divisibility Rules – 7 A number is divisible by 7 if it has a remainder of zero when divided by 7. Examples of numbers which are divisible by 7 are 28, 42, 56, 63, and 98.

Q. What is a remainder of 1?

Alexis explained, “If you want a remainder of one, you have to find a number that you can multiply by two and get nine.” “Why nine?” I asked. Alexis replied, “Because if you have a problem where you divide nine by a number and get two, then if you divide ten by the same number, you’ll have a remainder of one.”

Q. What happens if the remainder is zero?

When the remainder is zero, both the quotient and divisor are factors of the dividend. When the remainder is not zero, neither the quotient nor the divisor are factors of the dividend.

Q. Why do we use the remainder theorem?

The Polynomial Remainder Theorem allows us to determine whether a linear expression is a factor of a polynomial expression easily.

Q. What if the remainder is 0 in synthetic division?

You can use synthetic division to help you with this type of problem. The Remainder Theorem states that f(c) = the remainder. So if the remainder comes out to be 0 when you apply synthetic division, then x – c is a factor of f(x).

Q. How do you divide Binomials?

Divide the highest degree term of the polynomial by the highest degree term of the binomial. Write the result above the division line. Multiply this result by the divisor, and subtract the resulting binomial from the polynomial.

Q. What is the quotient Remainder Theorem?

The quotient remainder theorem says: Given any integer A, and a positive integer B, there exist unique integers Q and R such that. A= B * Q + R where 0 ≤ R < B. We can see that this comes directly from long division. When we divide A by B in long division, Q is the quotient and R is the remainder.

Q. How do you divide using Remainder Theorem?

The Remainder Theorem then points out the connection between division and multiplication. For instance, since 12 ÷ 3 = 4, then 4 × 3 = 12. If you get a remainder, you do the multiplication and then add the remainder back in. For instance, since 13 ÷ 5 = 2 R 3, then 13 = 5 × 2 + 3.

Q. What do you mean by Remainder Theorem?

The remainder theorem states that when a polynomial, f(x), is divided by a linear polynomial , x – a, the remainder of that division will be equivalent to f(a). It should be noted that the remainder theorem only works when a function is divided by a linear polynomial, which is of the form x + number or x – number.

Q. Can the remainder be negative?

Remainder can never be a negative number. Remainder is something you get when you divide a number by another number and the number isn’t a multiple of the other number. So, while dividing, something will get left out. Getting left out certainly means that the number left out (remainder) is positive, and not negative.

Q. What is factor theorem Class 9?

In mathematics, factor theorem is used when factoring the polynomials completely. It is a theorem that links factors and zeros of the polynomial. According to factor theorem, if f(x) is a polynomial of degree n ≥ 1 and ‘a’ is any real number, then, (x-a) is a factor of f(x), if f(a)=0.

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When a number is divided by itself the quotient is?.
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