What’s the hardest material ever?

What’s the hardest material ever?

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Q. Why is volcanic gas dangerous?

Breathing air with more than 3% CO2 can quickly lead to headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing. At mixing ratios exceeding about 15%, carbon dioxide quickly causes unconsciousness and death. Volcanic Smog (vog) is produced from SO2 gas and is a hazard in Hawaii.

Q. Can volcanic gases kill you?

Volcanic gases were directly responsible for approximately 3% of all volcano-related deaths of humans between 1900 and 1986. Some volcanic gases kill by acidic corrosion; others kill by asphyxiation.

Q. What are 3 volcanic hazards?

What are the hazards from volcanoes?

  • Lava. Lava (molten rock) can erupt as fire fountains or lava flows (when it is runny) or as steep-sided domes (when it is viscous).
  • Pyroclastic flows.
  • Phreatic explosions.
  • Lahars.
  • Jökulhlaups.
  • Landslides.
  • Volcanic earthquakes.
  • Tsunamis.

Q. How many people have died from volcanic gases?

This could appear to suggest that volcanoes aren’t all that dangerous, but much of the world’s population lives close to an active volcano – and many of these are much deadlier than Kilauea. Since the year 1500, about 280,000 people have been killed by volcanoes – 170,000 of those by just six eruptions.

Q. What is the softest material on earth?


Q. What is the rarest fabric on earth?


Q. What is the most expensive fabric?

The most expensive fabric in the world is wool, which comes from the vicuña and can only be shorn from the animal once every two to three years. The vicuña is part of the camelid family, of which the alpaca and llama are two others whose wool is also sought after and valued.

Q. Which country has the best fabrics?

Countries with the Best Quality Fabric

  • Ghana. Ghana is famous to save its tradition where oil, timber, and gold are the symbols of their ancient culture.
  • Nigeria.
  • India.
  • Pakistan.
  • China.
  • Morocco.
  • Malaysia.

Q. What is world’s best Cotton?

Egyptian cotton

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What’s the hardest material ever?.
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