What will happen to the number of bubbles the closer the lamp is to the pond weed?

What will happen to the number of bubbles the closer the lamp is to the pond weed?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat will happen to the number of bubbles the closer the lamp is to the pond weed?

When placed closer to a light source, the rate of bubbling will speed up, and as the pondweed is taken further away, the bubbles will slow down again – an instant and visual indicator of the importance of light intensity in photosynthesis.

Q. Why does pond weed produce bubbles?

Like other green plants, pond weed can make sugar from carbon dioxide and water. When this happens, oxygen is also made. This oxygen comes out of the plant and can be seen as bubbles in the water around the pond weed. To do this job, the pond weed needs energy.

Q. What does the rate at which the bubbles are released indicate?


Q. How does counting the bubbles coming off from the pondweed indicate rate of photosynthesis?

The plants will release bubbles of oxygen – a product of photosynthesis – which can be counted. the light intensity is related to distance – it will decrease as the distance away from the bulb increases – so light intensity for the investigation can be varied by changing the distance from the lamp to the plant.

Q. What are the two factors that affect production of bubbles?

Critical factors that govern the size of air bubbles are the air pressure and the flow rate as well as the hole size of the diffuser membrane.

Q. What factors can impact the rate of photosynthesis?

Three factors can limit the rate of photosynthesis: light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.

Q. What process can reduce the rate of photosynthesis?

The factor which is working at the lowest level will usually be the limiting factor of the process. There are several limiting factors which can reduce the rate of photosynthesis , eg temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration.

Q. Does photosynthesis continues to increase with temperature?

In Photosynthesis, the temperature continues to increase but with limits. In this process, plants and other organisms convert the light energy from the sun into a chemical energy then released to fuel the organisms’ activities. The rate of carbon assimilation increases as the temperature increases.

Q. At what temperature does photosynthesis stop?

At a temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit – 40 degrees Celsius – the enzymes that carry out photosynthesis lose their shape and functionality, and the photosynthetic rate declines rapidly.

Q. What factors speed up or slow down the rate of photosynthesis?

The environmental factors that speed up or slow down the rate of photosynthesis are temperature and the availability of sunlight and carbon dioxide. …

Q. Why the rate of photosynthesis in plants is low both at lower and higher temperatures?

The rate of photosynthesis is maximum at optimum temperature which is 30- 40 0C. At lower temperature rate of photosynthesis is low because the enzymes involved in the reaction are less efficient at lower temperature.

Q. Which light takes place photosynthesis?

Different pigments respond to different wavelengths of visible light. Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly.

Q. How does temperature affect photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The increase in temperature enhances the rate of cellular respiration. It is due to the heat speeds up the reactions, means the kinetic energy is higher. It means reactions speed up and rate of cellular respiration increases. When temperature decreases, in order to conserve energy, cellular processes slow.

Q. How does temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis experiment?

Temperature has an effect on the photosynthetic rate of organisms as increasing temperature increases kinetic energy, which has been found to increase the rate of photophosphorylation (Lambers et al. In our experiment, an increased rate of photophosphorylation was measured by an increase in oxygen production.

Q. Does temperature affect oxygen production?

How does temperature affect oxygen production? i. Temperatures between 17 and 31 degrees do not have an affect on oxygen production. When the temperature exceeds 31 degrees the production of oxygen decreases.

Q. How does pH change with temperature?

*pH decreases with increase in temperature. In the case of pure water, there are always the same concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions and hence, the water is still neutral (even if its pH changes). At 100°C, a pH value of 6.14 is the New neutral point on the pH scale at this higher temperature.

Q. Does warm water speed up photosynthesis?

The heated water cup should have more leaves that rose than any of the other cups because of the molecules moving faster in the warm water, allowing for more leaves to photosynthesize faster, and thus rising more.

Q. What happens to plants if the rate of respiration becomes more than the rate of photosynthesis?

If the rate of respiration is higher than the rate of photosynthesis then the plant will be starving more because the higher rate of respiration leads to more consumption of the oxygen.

Q. Why is the rate of photosynthesis important?

Because photosynthesis helps control the makeup of our atmosphere, understanding photosynthesis is crucial to understanding how carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” affect the global climate.

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What will happen to the number of bubbles the closer the lamp is to the pond weed?.
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