What were two important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution?

What were two important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat were two important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution?

Two important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution were the steam engine and the factory system. These were important because the steam engine created new methods of work and travel, while the factory system provided those in need with a new way to work, and cities to live.

Q. What were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution?

land, labor and capital were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution. a huge change that occurred during the industrial revolution in which machines were used to replace human or animal labor. Mechanization began in the textile industry.

Q. How did the Industrial Revolution impact fashion?

Effects of the Industrial Revolution on the Industry The largest Industrial Revolution change on the clothing industry was that people became more fashion conscious and began purchasing clothing for style, rather than necessity. Before the revolution, people crafted their own clothes and had just enough to get by.

Q. How significant were the changes that the Industrial Revolution brought to the world?

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.

Q. How did Factories change working life?

As factories were being built, businesses were in need of workers. With a long line of people willing to work, employers could set wages as low as they wanted because people were willing to do work as long as they got paid. People worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week.

Q. Why were working conditions so bad in the Industrial Revolution?

Poor workers were often housed in cramped, grossly inadequate quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to many risks and dangers, including cramped work areas with poor ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic exposures to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.

Q. What were some positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

As an event, the Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative impacts for society. Although there are several positives to the Industrial Revolution there were also many negative elements, including: poor working conditions, poor living conditions, low wages, child labor, and pollution.

Q. What are the four factors of industrialization?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Natural Resources (coal,lumber)
  • Labor Supply (immigrant)
  • Advanced Transportation (railroads)
  • Labor-Saving Technologies (400,000 patents)
  • Friendly-Government policies (subsidizing the railroads)

Q. What are some examples of industrialization?

Textile production moved to large factories based in cities. Britain’s railroads were another example of industrialization. While people previously traveled by foot or in animal-drawn vehicles, the steam engine allowed for train travel that allowed people to go further, faster.

Q. What was one of the most important results of industrialization?

The creation of power machines and factories provided many new job opportunities. The new machinery increased production speed of good and gave people the ability to transport raw materials. Industrialization also lead to urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people into cities and city building.

Q. What is your idea of industrialization?

Industrialization is the process by which an economy is transformed from a primarily agricultural one to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.

Q. What is Industrialisation What are the factors influence in the industrialization?

Answer: Characteristics of industrialization include economic growth, more efficient division of labor, and the use of technological innovation to solve problems as opposed to dependency on conditions outside human control.

Q. What are the factors of industrialization does Baines cite in the reading?

water power to run machines, rivers for transportation of goods, & natural resources for production.

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What were two important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution?.
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