What were the achievements of the Golden Age of Greece?

What were the achievements of the Golden Age of Greece?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat were the achievements of the Golden Age of Greece?

The Classical Period or Golden Age of Greece, from around 500 to 300 BC, has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy, architecture and literature which are the building blocks of our own civilization. The two most well known city-states during this period were the rivals: Athens and Sparta.

Q. Which aspect of Greek life does the excerpt reflect?

Answer: The correct answer will be “Graphic surroundings near Greece”.

Q. When Cepheus consents to give his daughter Andromeda to the sea serpent it reflects the ancient Greek values of justice and morality?

When Cepheus consents to give his daughter Andromeda to the sea serpent, it reflects the ancient Greek values of justice and morality. intelligence and strength.

Q. Is Ancient Greece older than ancient Egypt?

No, ancient Greece is much younger than ancient Egypt; the first records of Egyptian civilization date back some 6000 years, while the timeline of…

Q. What was the most significant achievement of the Golden Age of Greece?

The most significant advances in art during the Greek Golden Age were in sculpture, architecture and pottery.

Q. What is the greatest accomplishment legacy of the Greeks?

Major Accomplishments of the Ancient Greeks

  • They developed the world’s first democracy.
  • They were the first people to take the scientific approach to medicine by actually studying the diseases. (
  • Playwrights wrote and produced the first dramas in outdoor theaters. (
  • They invented the rules of Geometry as well as other mathematics. (

Q. What is the legacy of Hellenistic Greece?

Hellenistic Kingdoms Alexander’s most immediate legacy was the introduction of Macedonian rule to huge swathes of Asia. Many of the areas he conquered remained in Macedonian hands or under Greek influence for the next 200 to 300 years.

Q. What was most important to Macedonia’s conquest of Greece?

Q. What are the three characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture?

In order to achieve this lifelike aesthetic, Hellenistic sculptors skillfully incorporated three characteristics into their work: expressive movement, realistic anatomy, and ornate details.

Q. What are the characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture?

During this period sculpture became more naturalistic, and also expressive; there is an interest in depicting extremes of emotion. On top of anatomical realism, the Hellenistic artist seeks to represent the character of his subject, including themes such as suffering, sleep or old age.

Q. Which of the following is an example of Hellenistic sculpture?

Of the best examples of Hellenistic sculptures is the Colossus of Rhodes- that which was constructed by the Rhodians in honor of their sun god Helios.

Q. Which excerpt from Perseus best represents a characteristic of a Greek hero?

Answer Expert Verified. The correct answer to this is: “[Athena and Hermes] told him which one was Medusa and that was important, for she alone of the three could be killed; the other two were immortal.” This passage talks about the adventure of Perseus, the Greek hero, in his venture to kill the gorgon monster, Medusa …

Q. What is most likely true about ancient Greek marriage rituals?

based on this excerpt what is most likely true about ancient greek marriage rituals. The groom had to ask the bride’s parents for permission to marry her. -is most likely true about ancient Greek marriage rituals. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Q. Which ancient Greek value does Perseus demonstrate in this passage?


Q. What does Perseus need from the GREY woman?

Perseus had to seek out the gorgon, Medusa, and bring her head back for the king. If he failed, Perseus would be dead. And his mother, Danae, would live out her life as a slave.

Q. What Greek value is represented in this story about Perseus?

humor. honesty.

Q. Why is Perseus a hero essay?

Perseus is technically considered a hero according to the ways of the gods; he being born of a god and the son of the god of all gods. All throughout Perseus’ heroic quest, he has gods holding each of his hands, protecting and aiding him in his journeys.

Q. What is the moral of Perseus and Medusa?

The Moral of the Story The story of Perseus and Medusa is told to teach various life lessons. His courage, strength, and intelligence was also the reason that Perseus saved Andromeda from the Cetus and returned home with her, slaying both Phineus and Polydectes with the head of Medusa by turning them into stone.

Q. What is Medusa the god of?

Medusa represents philosophy, beauty and art. The Medusa head is part of fashion designer Gianni Versace’s symbol. Perseus the hero slayed Medusa, the only mortal of the Gorgon sisters, by viewing her in the reflection of the mirrored shield of Athena. Perseus then beheaded her.

Q. What kind of person is Perseus?

Perseus is a major hero from Greek mythology best known for his clever decapitation of Medusa, the monster who turned all who looked at her face into stone. He also rescued Andromeda from the sea monster. Like most of the mythological heroes, the genealogy of Perseus makes him the son of a god and a mortal.

Q. What is the weakness of Medusa?

Medusa’s Strengths: Can stop anything in its tracks. Even her severed head will instantly turn anything into stone, including those who see it by accident. Medusa’s Weaknesses: Perseus was able to trick her and cut off her head.

Q. Why did Perseus kill Medusa?

Because the gaze of Medusa turned all who looked at her to stone, Perseus guided himself by her reflection in a shield given him by Athena and beheaded Medusa as she slept. He then returned to Seriphus and rescued his mother by turning Polydectes and his supporters to stone at the sight of Medusa’s head.

Q. Did Athena really punish Medusa?

Athena did not punish Medusa; she protected her. To men, whose hatred Athena had to pacify, this was the ultimate punishment: to strip Medusa of her beauty and banish her from the land. Many travelled to the island she was ‘trapped’ on so that they could kill her – but Medusa was never touched again.

Q. Why did Athena get Medusa’s head on her shield?

Athena has been depicted with snakes near her and with snake haired Medusa’s head upon her shield. This symbolically was to enforce Athena’s power of victory through death and destruction of the enemy.

Q. Did Athena curse or bless Medusa?

Medusa was not cursed, she was actually helped by Athena. Her patron goddess gifted her with an ability that would never let Medusa feel powerless again.

Q. What did Medusa look like before she was cursed?

This version of Medusa did not have wings but only focused on her hair being turned into snakes and being given the power to turn people into stone if they looked upon her. In Hollywood, she is over only depicted as a serpent from her navel down, still with human arms and bust and facial features.

Q. Can Medusa turn a woman into stone?

In this popular version the Medusa is a monster with hair of a thousand snakes. She is under a curse which causes everything she looks at to turn to stone.

Q. Who was Athena married to?


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