What was the number 555 1212?

What was the number 555 1212?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat was the number 555 1212?

The service allows persons to call the AT Directory Assistance Bureau by dialing 1-800-555-1212, to obtain the toll-free service number associated with a particular toll-free service listing.

Q. Why do they show numbers on TV?

The seemingly random set of numbers that appears in a corner of the television screen are a part of anti-piracy measures taken by channels. The number you see on your screen is one that is generated uniquely for your region using an algorithm by the channel.

Q. Why do TV Programmes use Roman numerals?

Why are copyrighted dates on movies and television shows written in Roman numerals? The general consensus is the “deception theory”: to “make it difficult for viewers to determine exactly how old the show is”, the reason being the older the date the “staler” the material may seem to the audience.

Q. What happens if you call a number from a TV show?

So now only numbers ranging from 555-0100 to 555-0199 are permitted for use in films and TV shows. Film fans do not leave attempts contact the characters of the picture on the indicated phones, but on the other end of the wire they hear only: “The dialed number does not exist.”

Q. Why is 555 not a real number?

555-2401. Narrator: The short answer is that most 555 numbers are not working numbers, so real people won’t be harassed if diehard fans try to call them. 555 was an exchange combination that was not used very often in the American telephone system. You may get a wrong number, or no number at all.

Q. Can you still buy a rotary phone?

But as far as calling friends and family and receiving calls, yes, an old school rotary phone still works fine in the vast majority of U.S. Locations, with superior sound fidelity to a cell phone, any day. And just as good as the newest touch tone landline. Click to see full answer.

Q. How can I go straight to customer service?

Straight Talk: Call 1-877-430-2355. Press 1, then 5, then press # three times. T-Mobile: Call 1-877-453-1304. Press # three times.

Q. How do I speak to a human at 3?

Call us

  1. Lines open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday. Personal customers. From your Three phone. 333. From any other phone. 0333 338 1001.
  2. Mobile Broadband customers. From your Three phone. 500. From any other phone. 0333 338 1003.
  3. From your Three phone. 337. From any other phone. 0800 033 8033.

Q. Is calling 333 free?

The United Kingdom is seeing the use of 0333 numbers rise….Calling 0333 numbers from your mobile – call charges.

ProviderInside contracted landline minutes allowanceOutside contracted landline minutes allowance

Q. What is the 3 customer service number?


Q. How can I contact three?

Personal customers

  1. From your Three phone. 333.
  2. From any other phone. 0333 338 1001.
  3. From abroad. (standard roaming rates apply) +44 7782 333 333.

Q. How will I know when my number has been ported to three?

We’ll send you a text or email to confirm your number has been moved over. If you send your form before 5pm during the week, your number should be transferred the next working day. There you go.

Q. What numbers can I call for free on three?

All 0800, 0808 and 0500 calls are free.

Q. How much does it cost to call 0345 from 3 Mobile?

How much does it cost to call an 0345 number on Three Mobile?

Number starts withDescriptionCost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0345UK-wide numbers3p to 55p

Q. Are 3 stores open during lockdown?

We are re-opening many of our stores in line with government guidelines so please be sure to check our Store Locator for the details on your local Three Store . Staying in touch has never been so important.

Q. What numbers are free with EE?

If you’re a consumer or small business customer, calls to 0800, 0808 and 116 numbers are free from your mobile and landline. Many organisations use 03 numbers such as 0300, 0344 or 0345 as an alternative to more expensive 084 and 087 numbers. Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than a call to a 01 or 02 number.

Q. Do 0203 numbers cost on EE?

No, 0203 numbers are not free to call from any EE mobile or landline home phone. All 01, 02 and 03 numbers, including London’s 020 numbers (including the 0203 subdivision) are all charged at standard rate when calling from an EE phone.

Q. Can I call 01 numbers on EE?

Calls to 01, 02 or 03 numbers will come out of your inclusive minutes. When calling these numbers you’ll be charged an access charge and a service charge. The access charge is the amount charged by EE and the service charge is charged by the organisation you’re calling.

Q. How much does a 0330 number cost on EE?

If your phone/SIM use a PAYG plan, then phoning a number starting with 0330 will cost 30p a minute. This is the same price as calls to 01 and 02 numbers. However, if you have purchased an EE Pack, your 0330 calls will be included in your Pack deal and so will come out of your inclusive minutes.

Q. Are 0330 numbers free on mobiles?

As calling an 0330 number is never charged at more than a call to a landline 01 or 02 number the calls are inclusive within all monthly bundles and discount schemes, even from mobiles. This can often result in all calls being effectively free from mobiles with a monthly contract.

Q. Are 0330 numbers included in free minutes?

Obviously, the amount you are charged depends on your tariff and other factors, but for those on contracts this generally means that yes, 0330 numbers are included in your inclusive minutes on a contract.

Q. How much do 0333 numbers cost on EE?

How much does it cost to call an 0333 number on EE?

Number starts withDescriptionCost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0333UK-wide numbers3p to 55p
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