What was Jim’s reaction looking at Della’s hair?

What was Jim’s reaction looking at Della’s hair?

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Answer Expert Verified. Jim was just stupefied to see Della’s short hair. He just kept staring at her feeling a mixture of many emotions. Jim felt disappointment, confusion, love, and pride at the same time.

Q. Why does della say please God make him think I am still pretty?

Please God make him think I am still pretty. The given line is from O’Henry’s most popular short story ‘The Gift of the Magi’. In the story Jim and Della are a young couple who can hardly make both ends meet. But both love each other dearly and want to buy expensive and worthy Christmas Gifts for each other.

Q. What is Jim most likely thinking when he sees that Della has cut her hair?

How does Jim react when he sees that Della cut her hair? Jim doesn’t say anything and freezes. He stares at her because he can’t believe that it is actually gone. Della believes that Jim’s reaction means that he does not like her hair cut, he does not think she is beautiful anymore, and he will no longer love her.

Q. How did della feel about her new haircut?

Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. So now Della’s beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.

Q. Does della regret cutting her hair?

Weegy: Della immediately regretted cutting her hair. In “The Gift of the Magi” by O Henry, Della did not regret cutting her hair at all. By selling it, she was able to buy a Christmas present for her beloved husband and, as she remarks later in the story, her hair would grow back very fast in any case.

Q. Does della regret selling her hair?

Unfortunately for Della, she’s wasted her time. The gift she bought for Jim is absolutely useless as Jim sold his watch to buy Della a gift. The gift he bought is also useless: some brand new combs for Della’s lovely hair.

Q. How did Jim hide his disappointment when he saw Della’s hair?

How did Jim hide his disappointment when he saw Della’s hair? He hid his surprise and only held a “peculiar expression on his face.”

Q. What was Jim’s reaction when he reached home?

Answer: When Jim walks through the door, he possesses an unreadable expression that utterly terrifies his tremulous wife. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the sentiments that she had been prepared for. He simply stared as her fixedly with that peculiar expression on his face.

Q. What does della expect him to say when he returns and sees her?

She had a habit for saying little silent prayers about the simplest everyday things, and now she whispered: “Please God, make him think I am still pretty.” So Della expects Jim to have a strong reaction to her new look, with her head covered by little curls held in place with hairpins.

Q. Why did Della count her money again and again?

Della realizes that the $1.87 will never buy what she would consider a presentable gift for Jim. In her desperation, she counts the money three times (“thrice”) to make absolutely sure that there is no mistaking the final total. In the end, Della sells her beautiful long hair for twenty dollars.

Q. What did Della by for Jim 2 points?

Della decided to sell off her beautiful long hair for Jim’s present. And, she sold it for twenty dollars with that money she bought a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design. It was perfect for Jim’s gold watch. At 7 o’clock, Della was waiting for Jim to come home.

Q. What does Della do for extra money how much money did she get?

What does Della do for extra money? How much does she receive? She cuts her long beautiful hair and gets 20 dollars.

Q. What gift did della buy for Jim and why?

Della buys Jim a watch fob because his watch is his most prized possession. Della and Jim Young do not have much money. Despite this, Della really wants to buy Jim a good Christmas present. She is even willing to sell her hair to get him a nice gift.

Q. What were Jim and Della’s most precious possessions?

Answer. Answer: Jim’s most valued possession was his watch, and Della’s was her hair. Jim and Della were a young couple who loved each other very much, but were not wealthy.

Q. What was Della’s gift for Jim?

Plot. On Christmas Eve, Della Young discovers that she has only $1.87 to buy a present for her husband Jim. She visits the nearby shop of a hairdresser, Madame Sofronie, who buys Della’s long hair for $20. Della then uses the money to buy a platinum pocket watch chain for Jim.

Q. What was Jim’s most prized possession?

What is JIm’s most prized possession? Jim’s most prized possession is the watch he got from his father which came from his grandfather.

Q. How important and valuable are two possessions of Della and Jim?

Jim’s most valued possession was his watch, and Della’s was her hair. Della did not have a personal item she valued, but she valued her beauty, especially her hair. Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride.

Q. Why did Jim and Della sell their most precious possessions?

Della and Jim sell valuable things to get money to buy gifts for each other, because they are poor. Both Della and Jim give up valuable possessions so they can buy Christmas gifts for each other. Della and Jim were wise because they were willing to make sacrifices to show their love for each other.

Q. What did Della do to get the money to buy her husband a Christmas present after she counted Thatcher saved money wasn’t enough?

Della cuts and sells her hair to get money to buy her husband a chain for his watch. Della does this ultimately because she loves Jim, her husband.

Q. What were the two most precious possessions of the Dillinghams?

James Dillingham Young had two possessions which they valued. One was Jim’s gold time piece, the watch that had been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair.

Q. What were the two most important things that the Dillinghams owned?

Answer. Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair are their most valuable possessions.

Q. Why did Della sit down and cry?

Della is crying at the beginning of the story AND at the end of the story. In the beginning of the story, Della is crying out of legitimate sadness. She and her husband, Jim, are poor. Della is sad that she is unable to buy Jim a decent Christmas present.

Q. How many times did Della count money?

Ans. Della counted her money three times because she could not believe that it was so less, despite having saved for months to buy a Christmas gift for her husband, Jim. She had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents, which was not sufficient to buy aa gift appropriate for Jim.

Q. Why did Della repeat the line My hair grows so fast to Jim?

Della tells her husband that her hair grows so fast for two reasons, or even possibly for three. She wants to reassure Jim that his sacrifice of his watch to buy her a set of combs would not be a misfortune because she will be able to use the combs in a short while when her hair grows back at least a few inches.

Q. What is Jim’s full name?

James Halpert is a fictional character in the U.S. version of the television sitcom The Office, portrayed by John Krasinski.

Q. Why does Jim ashamed look at his watch?

Since Jim’s watch was on an old leather strap, he… looked at his watch secretly because he was embarrassed by the poor-looking strap. What did Della do with her hair when she got home? She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages.

Q. Does Jim cheat on Pam?

No! Jim never cheated on Pam. In fact, Pam kinda cheated on Roy with Jim. Jim went into a relationship with Karen when Pam and Jim were not together.

Q. Did Pam and Jim get divorced?

Pam has spoken: She and Jim are still happily together. During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on Thursday, Jenna Fischer was asked for her reaction to Chrissy Teigen’s recent theory that 10 years after their wedding on The Office, the beloved TV couple divorced.

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