What warning does Odysseus receive and from what God?

What warning does Odysseus receive and from what God?

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After winning over Troy, what warning does Odysseus receive and from what god? Poseidon said he will suffer and never reach the shores of Ithica.

Q. Who is the goddess who possesses prophetic power able to predict the future and gives Odysseus important warnings?

Chariclo begged her to help him, so Athena, instead of restoring his ability to see the physical world, gave him the ability to see the future. Tiresias also had a role in Homer’s Odyssey. In that work, Tiresias retained his prophetic gifts even in the underworld, where the hero Odysseus was sent to consult him.

Q. Who is the goddess who helps Odysseus by changing him into a beggar and godlike man?

An example of direct assistance by Athena includes when she led Odysseus to the palace of the Phaeacian in the disguise of a beggar. She also helps him directly by transforming him into an old beggar in the later books of the odyssey.

Q. Which God appears to Odysseus and warns him about Circe?

The first to appear is that of Elpenor, the crewman who broke his neck falling from Circe’s roof. He begs Odysseus to return to Circe’s island and give his body a proper burial. Odysseus then speaks with the Theban prophet Tiresias, who reveals that Poseidon is punishing the Achaeans for blinding his son Polyphemus.

Q. What is the danger of the lotus plant?

The Lotus plant is very powerful. It causes those who eat it to forget: The plant Lotus caused anyone to eat the flower or seeds to forget who he was, and his only interest was to eat more of the plants. The Lotus plant is so powerful until Odysseus had to force his crew back on the ship.

Q. What happens when someone eats from the lotus plant?

What happens to anyone who eats this plant? Anyone who eats this plant (the lotus) will lose their desire to return home. They will want to stay in the land of the Lotus-Eaters. If Odysseus’s men eat the lotus, they will long to stay forever and never return home.

Q. Why are the Lotus Eaters so dangerous?

The Lotus Eaters prove to be dangerous, for they offer a honeyed plant, the Lotus, which makes those who eat it lose their interest in returning home. The conflict they face in the land of the Lotus Eaters is that 3 of Odysseus’ men eat the lotus blossom, and as a result, they don’t want to leave the land.

Q. What are the effects of eating a lotus flower?

Lotus for lunch? The stem of the lotus plant is full of minerals and nutrients — such as vitamin C — that are important for your body’s daily function. One of these minerals is potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. Boil lotus roots for 10 minutes and then eat them to receive a healthy dose of nutrients.

Q. What are the uses of Lotus?

Lotus is a plant. The flowers, seed, leaves, and parts of the underground stem (rhizome) are used to make medicine. Lotus flowers are used to stop bleeding. Lotus seeds are used for disorders of the digestive tract, including diarrhea.

Q. What do the lotus eaters look like?

Appearance. Odysseus’ men watch the Lotus-Eaters with intrigue… Most Lotus-Eaters appear superficially normal; they grow to about average human height; they don’t have glowing eyes, strange-colored skin, pointed ears, sharp claws, tails, wings or anything of that sort.

Q. Did Odysseus eat the lotus?

Odysseus and his men end up on the island of the Lotus Eaters. While walking the island, the men encounter the Lotus Eaters and find that they are a peaceful people; they do nothing except eat the lotus plant. Odysseus’ men eat the flowering plant and are immediately changed.

Q. Has eaten a lotus blossom?

Those who ate the plant never cared to report, nor return. Figuratively, ‘lotus-eater’ denotes “a person who spends their time indulging in pleasure and luxury rather than dealing with practical concerns”.

Q. Why did Odysseus not stay among the lotus eaters?

Odysseus is opposed to eating the lotus fruit because he sees the effects that it has on his crew members: it makes them forget how badly they want to return home to Ithaca and their families, and they only want to stay in the Land of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus needed to be alert in order to complete his tasks.

Q. How did Odysseus solve the problem of the Lotus Eaters?

A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus. Only by dragging his men back to the ship and locking them up can Odysseus get them off the island.

Q. What do the lotus eaters symbolize?

The Lotus Eaters represent one of the challenges that Odysseus had to face on his way home – slothfulness. These were a group of people who had forgotten their purpose in life and who gave in to the peaceful apathy that came with eating the lotus.

Q. What is a one-eyed giant named?

Cyclopes (singular: Cyclops), one-eyed giants in Greek mythology, including Polyphemus. They had a single eye in the centre of their forehead.

Q. What are one eyed dogs called?

Some cute dog names for a one eyed dog are blinky, winky, cyclops, pirate, eyepatch, captain, willy, and uno. Or, if none of these suit him/her, just put “one eyed” in front of any other name, though “W” names sound best. For example, one eyed Winston or one eyed Wanda.

Q. Are Cyclops immune to fire?

These ancient and power creatures have helped and hindered demigods for millennium. They are very skilled at making weapons. They are naturally fire resistant so they are able to work in very harsh conditions.

Q. How are Cyclops born?

According to the Theogony of Hesiod, Uranus (Sky) mated with Gaia (Earth) and produced eighteen children. First came the twelve Titans, next came the three one-eyed Cyclopes: To prevent this, as each of his children were born, Cronus swallowed them whole; as gods they were not killed, but imprisoned within his belly.

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